
Pertamina Lubricants Increases the Competitiveness of Vocational High School Students through the Enduro Home Service Program

MALANG – PT Pertamina Lubricants (PTPL) Sales Region V East Java Bali Nusa Tenggara (Jatimbalinus) carried out another Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program based on Creating Shared Value (CSV) Enduro Home Service (EHS) in three schools in the Greater Malang area. Those were SMK Negeri 6 Malang, SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Malang, and SMK Muhammadiyah 7 Gondanglegi which were held online through Mteams and face to face at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Malang, 30 November 2021.

The opening of the EHS program was marked by the signing of the MoU. Together with the symbolic distribution of mechanical equipment, lubricants, and wear packs for students by Sales Region Manager V PTPL Jatimbalinus, Syafaat Jajuli, and representatives from three Vocational High Schools (SMK), namely the Principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Malang Drs. Arief Efendi, Principal of SMK Negeri 6 Malang, Drs. Sidik Priyono, Principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 7 Gondanglegi Malang, Munali S.T., M.Pd. It was also attended and witnessed by representatives of the teachers and staff of each school.

The EHS program is one of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs in line with the Government's Industrial Link and Match program. The Link and Match program is implemented to collaborate Vocational High School with the industrial world. The program aims to increase the absorption of Vocational High School graduates to become reliable workers while savings to become new human resources in line with industry needs.

By participating in the EHS program, the students will be encouraged to combine the technical competencies gained from productive learning in class with technical materials for lubricants and entrepreneurship with the output of home service services by students for the people around the school or student residences who need services for two-wheeled vehicles. Oil change and other minor servicing.

Region Sales Manager V PTPL Jatimbalinus, Syafaat Jajuli, hopes that by participating in this program, Vocational High School students will be independent and competitive to compete in the Indonesian industry. "Through this collaboration program, I hope that Vocational High School students can learn, practice, and grow an entrepreneurial spirit. This EHS program is a medium for Vocational High School students to hone knowledge related to automotive engineering and learn about entrepreneurship. It is hoped that after graduation, they can apply the theory they have gained at this program," said Syafaat.

The collaboration between PTPL and SMK is implementing the Business Integrated Educated System scheme, which aims to improve the quality of vocational high school graduates. In addition, this program seeks to accommodate the interests and talents of students in the field of automotive engineering and entrepreneurship in the two-wheel repair shops.

In his speech, the Principal of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Malang, Drs. Arief Efendi stated that this collaboration is the beginning of a sustainable collaboration and can continue to develop in providing benefits for students and the schools, especially in the Greater Malang area, to increase the competitiveness of Vocational High School graduates in the business world.

The Enduro Home Service program trains students' automotive skills and their communication skills & soft skills in Customer Orientation. Currently, the EHS program has been running in 12 Vocational High Schools in the PTPL working area, involving more than 3000 participants. It has been socialized in 23 Vocational High Schools with 15,000 students throughout Indonesia.

This program is also in line with Pertamina Go Collaborative's commitment, namely to build collaboration both in the internal and external environment and Pertamina Go Sustainability to deliver sustainable quality education and PTPL's contribution in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 4: Quality Education and number 8: namely Decent Work and Economic Growth.*PTPL

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