
Pertiwi Taught and Played with The Community Around the Operational Area

"Clap, clap, clap your hands. Dance, dance, dance, and laugh, Ha..ha.."

Pertiwi (Perempuan Pertamina Tangguh Inspiratif Wibawa Independen, Pertamina's women community) volunteers greeted the children with the song in Babakan Village, Setu Kota District, South Tangerang, Banten, on Sunday, 19 December 2021.

This activity is a collaboration between the Pertiwi and Pertamina's CSR Program, inviting children to get to know New and Renewable Energy (NRE).

"We introduce Pertamina as an energy company, not only as an oil and gas company but also as a new and renewable energy company. It is essential for children to know as early as possible so that they broaden their understanding of Pertamina as an energy company," said Wan Kemala Safitri from the Trading and Other Business function of Pertamina Patra Niaga.

In addition, Wan Kemala Safitri, known as Mala, said that the activity was the workers' support of environmentally friendly green energy.

"We invite all Pertamina women workers to take part in this program because through this, we can directly contribute to the community," said Mala.

In addition, Prihatiningsih, Senior Analyst I Human Capital Business Partner Holding of Pertamina, said that this activity is part of the Pertiwi Berbagi program.

"We want to invite all Perwira (Pertamina Officers) to know more about the community by being involved in direct activities with the wider community," said Prihatiningsih.

Not only that, Prihatiningsih added, the Pertiwi Berbagi program is a series of Pertamina's 64th Anniversary as well as commemorating Mother's Day on December 22. This year, Pertiwi volunteers teach and play with the broader community in Greater Jakarta.

It did not stop here. The Pertiwi Berbagi program will continue in the future.

"This is the inaugural Pertiwi program. As many as 76 Pertiwi volunteers have participated in this program. In the future, we hope that more Pertiwi volunteers will participate," said Prihatiningsih. *HM

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