
Extraordinary General Meeting of Elnusa Shareholder Appointed New Directors

JAKARTA – PT Elnusa Tbk held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) and the third Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (Third GMS) in Udaya Room, Graha ELNUSA – Jakarta, Friday (31/12/2021). The event discussed Changes in the Board of Directors. Meanwhile, the third Annual GMS had one plan to discuss, namely the Amendment to the Articles of Association.

ELNUSA's Corporate Secretary, Ari Wijaya, said, "At the EGMS, following the proposal from the Controlling Shareholders regarding the agenda for the Change in the Company's Management, the EGMS agreed to honorably dismiss the President Director, Ali Mundakir, Director of Operations and Director of Business Development, Rony Hartanto."

EGMS also approved the appointment of President Director: John Hisar Simamora, Finance Director: Bachtiar Soeria Atmaja, Operations Director: Charles Hariyanto Tobing, and Business Development Director: Ratih Esti Prihatini.

"All Elnusa Boards would like to thank Ali Mundakir and Rony Hartanto for their dedication and contribution while carrying out their mandate in the company," he said.

So the composition of the company's management after Elnusa EGMS is Agus Prabowo as the President Commissioner, accompanied by Wakhid Hasyim as Commissioner, and Anis Baridwan and Lusiaga Levi Susila as Independent Commissioners.

Meanwhile, the composition of Elnusa's Board of Directors is John Hisar Simamora as President Director, Bachtiar Soeria Atmaja as Finance Director, Charles Hariyanto Tobing as Operations Director, Ratih Esti Prihatini as Business Development Director, and Tenny Elfrida as HR & General Director.

The third Annual GMS approved the Amendment to the Company's Articles of Association to fulfill corporate governance commitment following the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) Number 15/POJK.04/2020 concerning the Plan and Organizing of the General Meeting of Shareholders of a Public Company and OJK Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014 concerning the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies.*ELSA

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