
Ground Breaking Mini Depo LPG in Lombok

LOMBOK - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga (PPN) inaugurated the development of Mini LPG Depo located in Desa Sekotong Barat, Sekotong, West Lombok, on Tuesday (24/10/2017). The first phase inauguration was done by President Director of PPN Gandhi Sriwidodo with Regional Secretary (Sekda) of West Lombok H. Moh. Taufiq accompanied by Vice President (VP) Domestic Gas PT Pertamina (Persero), Kusnendar. Symbolically, the construction is marked by the erection of the first pole and inscription signing.

This Mini Depo has the capacity of 2 x 1.500 MT on a land area of 60.310 m2 with doc capacity of 3.500 DWT and has become one of the government program through PT Pertamina (Persero) to support crude oil to gas conversion program. Supply Point for this mini depo came from Kalbut Situbondo or Bosowa, Makassar through LPG tanker that anchored directly to the depo location and will be stored in Lombok LPG storage. Then, the LPG is distributed to SPPBE by using skid tank truck LPG with the capacity of 12 MT.

On his welcoming speech, the President Director of PPN Gandhi Sriwidodo said that the construction is expected to fulfil LPG needs in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and surrounding also to encourage economic growth in Lombok.

Meanwhile, West Lombok Regional Secretary H. Moh. Taufiq has welcome the construction of Mini Depo. He hoped that the process will run smoothly.

The construction in West Lombok will be the first in West Nusa Tenggara. The election of Sekotong as the construction site is because of its ocean depth and the waves are not too big, so that tankers will safely unloading.

“We choose Sekotong because it is ideal for ship to dock. With an inward bay position, wind disturbance to the ship that carries LPG can be resolved,” VP Domestic Gas Pertamina Kusnendar explained.

The event closed with the handover of CSR aid from PPN and PT Abadi Citra Bersama as the executives of Depo construction by President Director of PPN Gandhi Sriwidodo and Director of ACB Eric A. Fadli. The aid given were basic materials for Mosque construction located near the depo area.

Meanwhile, Operational Director PPN Abdul Cholid accompanied by Regional Secretary West Lombok hand over compensation to several orphans.•PPN

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