
PIS Collaborates with PINDAD on Shipping Technology & Digitation

JAKARTA – State-Owned Enterprises (Badan Usaha Milik Negara/BUMN) in the defense and security industries sector, PT Pindad (Persero), delegated by Information and Technology Learning division, has visited PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) on March 17, 2022.

During the visit, PINDAD introduced its mainstay product in the information and communication technology sectors for the fleets’ navigation.

The visit also discussed the partnership opportunity of technology utilization developed by PINDAD to support PIS navigation and digitation. It is also to boost the security and reliability of PIS operations in the information technology field.

Eagerly to implement Go Digital, PIS continues to innovate in digitation development throughout the business line. PIS keeps on doing its best to become a transportation industry to support energy distribution and security throughout the nation.

“PIS continues supporting the technology innovation and development of instruments digitation for the fleets owned by the company, to create a better operational service, security, and reliability,” said Action Corporate Secretary of PIS, Roberth MV Dumatubun.*SHIML

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