
147 Palangkaraya RB SMEs Feel the PaDi MSME's Sweetness, Here's the Story!

Jakarta, September 2, 2022 – Since May 2022, 147 Palangkaraya Pertamina's Ruman BUMN (RB) have felt the sweetness of joining the MSME Digital Market (PaDi) digital platform with an increase in sales turnover of 5-10% per month.

Nindita, the S'Best Kitchen SME owner, felt the benefits of joining PaDi MSME. It is a means for her to sell online and expand her business. Since joining PaDi MSME, Nindita's turnover has reached 11 million per month, increasing up to 10%. "Hopefully, in the future, PaDi MSME will make our products known to a wider community," said Nindita.

PaDi MSME is a digital platform that brings together MSMEs with SOEs to optimize, accelerate, and encourage SOE efficiency in spending transactions on MSMEs, as well as expand and facilitate MSMEs in getting access to financing. This program prioritizes domestically produced products whose Domestic Component Level (TKDN) is relatively high. The shopping payment transaction process can use a virtual account.

Agus Lindriyanto, Supervisor of Palangkaraya RB, said the benefits that his MSMEs have experienced since joining the PaDi MSME are local and global access to e-commerce, market certainty, and the opportunity to obtain tenders from all SOEs that are affiliated with PaDi MSME. "PaDi MSME also improves SME branding to be more attractive," he said.

It was revealed in the online 2022 Pertamina RB Bootcamp activity on August 25-26, 2022. This activity provides intensive debriefing and certification to all facilitators from 30 RB spread throughout the country, which stands for Pertamina. Founder, Brand Speaker, Brandcom Strategist, Ria R. Christiana, and Sigit Sulistianto as Personal Brand Coach were also present as the speakers.

The 2022 Pertamina RB Bootcamp theme is "Persistent to make Indonesia Proud". It is related to the Indonesian Presidency at the G20 forum momentum, which raised several topics, including Digital Economic Transformation. Meanwhile, the method used is online via the zoom platform, by carrying efficient, giving knowledge, motivational & bringing the hype concept.

VP of CSR & SMEPP of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, said that Pertamina continues to encourage fostered MSEs to join the PaDi MSME digital platform. It is an effort to revive the SMEs following the Covid-19 pandemic, which dramatically decreased the level of community welfare. Many were negatively impacted by efficiency until the business ceased operations.

Presidential Regulation Number 12 of 2021, concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 16 of 2018 concerning Government Procurement of Goods/Services issuance, opens opportunities for MSMEs and cooperatives to participate in government procurement of up to IDR 15 billion.

In addition, the Government's policy for procurement in the Government sector, and 40% of SOEs use domestic products, encourages industry to grow, provides many jobs, and improves the community's welfare.

"The presence of PaDi MSME can realize the two government policies," said Fajriyah.

PaDi MSME also provides many benefits for SMEs, SOEs, and the government, in this case, the Ministry of SOEs.

MSEs will get conveniences such as wider market access, e-commerce both on a local and global scale, financing/capital, and insight for MSEs to improve product quality.

For SOEs, PaDi MSME will facilitate shopping for office needs with verified and clear sellers. As for the government, PaDi MSME can be a strong basis for programs to improve the people's economy, with the MSE data validity accuracy.

"By spending on MSEs, helps encourage the economy to rise after the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, economic recovery efforts are expected to be faster," concluded Fajriyah.

Pertamina continues to support SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) achievement through ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs implementation in all of its operational areas. It is part of the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) to realize economic benefits in the community.

Through MSME programs and the spirit of Energizing Your Future, Pertamina wants to provide energy that can move the economy-energy that fuels and an energy that produces sustainable growth. As well as to continue encouraging every Fostered Partner to become upgraded and Go Global MSMEs.**

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