
50 Semi-Finalist MSMEs Participated in Briefing, Not Only Competition but also Created Opportunities

Jakarta, October 6, 2022 - PT Pertamina (Persero) provided a briefing to 50 semi-finalist MSMEs to display their qualities as business aggregators in innovating and collaborating in the pertapreneur aggregator competition. The debriefing toward the semifinals was conducted online on Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

The briefing was given by speakers, namely Herdiyanti Dwi Lestari, as SMEPP Pertamina Officer II; Didi Andrian, Pertamina Media Communication Officer II; and Satya Bilal, as Exclusive Facilitator.

Herdiyanti explained that MSME Aggregators are needed to become a collaboration network from Pertamina's fostered partners to accelerate the MSME industry growth in Indonesia and increase human resource capacity through digitalization.

Meanwhile, Didi Andrian explained about optimizing social media to develop a business, considering that 93.4% of people are social media users and 50.5% of people use social media to find product information.

Satya Bilal, the Exclusive Facilitator, explained the problems faced by business actors, such as doing everything themselves so that it was impossible to carry out promotional activities through social media, especially creating content. Therefore, collaboration is needed to not eliminate existing opportunities.

VP of CSR & SMEPP of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, explained that the briefing for MSMEs aims to provide opportunities for business actors to increase their capacity and support fostered partners to become pertapreneur aggregators who not only have a strong brand but also provide benefits to the surrounding MSMEs.

"I hope this program can encourage business actors to collaborate in mutually beneficial business development," she said.

Fajriyah appreciated the enthusiasm of the fostered partners in participating in this pertapreneur aggregator competition. She hopes to give birth to new aggregators who can innovate and collaborate with the surrounding MSMEs while providing a multiplier effect for improving people's welfare.

"Congratulations to the 50 semi-finalist MSMEs who have passed the initial selection. Hopefully, it can provide new enthusiasm to continue to be strong and independent MSMEs," she added.

Pertamina has carried out various ways to support its MSMEs to upgrade through a coaching roadmap scheme. Starting from traditional conditions, go modern, go digital, go online, and go global. It follows efforts to achieve SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) through ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs implementation in all the company's operational areas.**

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