
Advanced in Coaching MSMEs during the Pandemic, Pertamina Wins Teropong CSR Award 2021

Jakarta, May 3, 2021 – Pertamina has won Teropong CSR Award 2021 as a company that active in giving support and coaching to MSMEs, especially during the pandemic. Pertamina is considered the best company in Indonesia that has Social and Environmental Responsibilities (TJSL) and has proven to give positive impacts on the society and environment.

Pertamina has fostered more than 65.000 MSMEs throughout Indonesia and built 30 Rumah BUMN, as a facility to gather, study, and assist MSMEs to become Indonesian MSMEs with quality. Pertamina carries out various coaching activities in the form of training, mentoring, certification, and increasing marketing access.

Besides in the MSMEs sector, Pertamina has also won in education sector because of their work in implementing various educational programs, starting from early childhood education, elementary and advanced schools, vocational school, to universities. Pertamina even has superior program namely Kompetisi Sobat Bumi that aims to develop Indonesia’s best students in creating energy innovation for the sustainability of the earth. In 2020, Kompetisi Sobat Bumi was attended by 12 thousand participants all over Indonesia.

The head of People's Consultative Assembly, Bambang Soesatyo, in his welcome said that in facing the Covid-19 Pandemic, we need to be concerned towards each other and we need to have the attitude of togetherness. The concern in the business world is a real manifestation from the form of solidarity and togetherness as well as the real implementation of noble values that uphold the spirit of mutual assistance and work hand in hand among the Indonesians.

“This positive attitude become the fundamental asset to build collective optimism of all elements of the nation to raise from the hardships because of Covid-19. CSR holds an important role in development to achieve people’s welfare,” stated Bambang.

Acting Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, said that Pertamina carries out TJSL program to support Sustainable Development Goals and is a form of ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) implementation.

Coaching for MSMEs, added Fajriyah, is the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals number 8 namely Decent Work and Economic Growth. Moreover, TJSL program in education is Pertamina’s commitment in supporting Sustainable Development Goals number 4 namely Quality Education.

The 2021 Teropong CSR Awards was given online through Zoom application on Wednesday, April 28th, 2021. The award was given from Rihad Wiranto as the head of TeropongSenayan.com and was received by Arya Dwi Paramita, VP of CSR & SMEPP Management of PT Pertamina (Persero).**

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