
Go Productive, Pertamina Green Diesel in Cilacap Achieves International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC)

Jakarta, December 10, 2021 – PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) strategy in managing the green refinery roadmap is realized through the development of green diesel with an international standard. One of the PT KPI units in Cilacap that produces green diesel (D100) has officially achieved the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification through the Independent Certification Agency, namely Intertex in December 2021. Green diesel produced by PT KPI Refinery Unit Cilacap TDHT unit is a valuable and high-quality product made from 100% palm oil. The international certification stage completes the commitment milestones for developing environmentally friendly diesel in Cilacap which is currently carrying out revamping with a target for completion in December 2021.

The President Director of PT KPI, Djoko Priyono, stated that the passing of PT KPI in the international level sustainable carbon certification proves the reliability of the refinery units' performance and products with global standards. “Qualification for this international certification is very strict, starting from the reliability of the processing unit to calculating GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions. So, this proves the reliability of PT KPI Unit Cilacap through Treated Distillate Hydro Treating (TDHT) in producing international standard green diesel,” explained Djoko Priyono who was present and to receive the ISCC certificate.

Whereas, the Corporate Secretary of PT KPI, Ifki Sukarya, conveyed the importance of international recognition through audits of credible institutions to test the quality of Pertamina's products. ISCC is one of the largest organizations that regulate sustainable carbon certification and it applies globally. ISCC's sustainable carbon certification was initiated by the "Renewable Energy Directive" (RED) and Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) policies implemented in the European Union. Outside the EU, other countries have adopted ISCC standardization including PT KPI in Indonesia.

Ifki Sukarya continued that PT KPI had thorough preparations in the international certification process as well as in supporting the onstream target by the end of 2021. “To improve the refinery performance, PT KPI Refinery Cilacap Unit is revamping the TDHT unit, which produces green diesel continuously. The focus of revamping includes modifying the internal reactor, THDT production line, product tank lifting line, modifying the feeding line, and adding a jumper line to the salt drier," said Ifki.

The milestone for PT KPI Refinery Cilacap Unit’s green diesel development was carried out in two major stages. The first stage is targeted for completion in December 2021 with a production capacity of 3,000 barrels per day. Meanwhile, the second stage of the Green Diesel development is targeted to be on stream by the end of 2023 with a production target of 6,000 barrels per day. Before the on-stream process, the preparation of facilities and product testing facilities has been carried out, including a means of receiving palm oil via Jetty 67 pier, and a feedstock facility (tank) which is close to the location of the TDHT unit.

Ifki added that PT KPI Refinery Cilacap Unit’s green diesel later would be useful to support the 2025 National Energy General Plan regarding decarbonization and the development of new and renewable energy. “Green Diesel (D 100) produced at PT KPI Refinery Cilacap Unit uses RBDPO (Refined Bleached and Deodorized Palm Oil), which is palm oil that has gone through a refining process to remove free fatty acids and purification to remove color and odor. The composition is 100% from RBDPO or palm oil,” said Ifki.

In addition to developing green diesel in Cilacap, PT KPI continues to be committed in managing the development of a 'Bio Refinery' or 'green refinery' through other refinery units. Bio Refinery is a Pertamina clean energy project where refinery processing uses raw materials in the form of renewable feedstock such as RBDPO (palm oil) to UCO (used cooking oil) to produce fuel that is more environmentally friendly. Clean energy products managed by PT KPI include Green Gasoline at PT KPI Refinery Plaju Unit, Green Diesel at PT KPI Refinery Cilacap and Dumai Units, and Green Avtur at PT KPI Refinery Cilacap Unit.

"The Bio Refinery Program aims to accelerate the company's ability to face the increase in the national New Renewable Energy (EBT) mix target by 2025. In the future, we will continue to be aggressively committed in developing Bio Refinery projects and responding to energy transition challenges," stated Ifki Sukarya.**

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