
Pertamina Lubricants with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Inaugurate the Enduro Workshop for Sahabat Lapas IIB Sleman  

Sleman, March 15, 2022 – PT Pertamina Lubricants (PLPT) encourages community independence through the workshop entrepreneurship program. On Sunday, March 12, 2022, PTPl, through the Sales Region IV area, inaugurated the Enduro Sahabat Lapas Workshop at Lapas II B Sleman (Cebongan) Central Java.

The inauguration of the Enduro Sahabat Lapas Workshop is an achievement recorded at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

The inauguration was attended by Ir. Razilu M.Si, Inspector General of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Drs. Imam Jauhari, MH, Head of Regional Office of Kemenkumham DIY, Gusti Ayu Putu Suwardani, Head of the Correctional Division of the DIY Kemenkumham Regional Office, H. Kusnan, Amd.IP, S.Sos, SH. MH, Head of IIB Sleman Prison, Komang Wira Kardita, PTPL Sales Region Manager IV, M. Subhan Amarullah, PTPL Senior CSR Officer and PTPL CSR and CDO colleagues.

The inauguration began with a ribbon-cutting followed by the workship plaque signing by Ir. Razilu M.Si, Inspector General of the Kemenkumham RI signing the workshop plaque. The activity continues with PTPL and Lapas IIB signing the cooperation charter.

Enduro Sahabat Lapas is a CSV program between PTPL and Lapas IIB Sleman formed in 2021. This synergy program aims to improve motor vehicle repair and mechanical skills and empower the entrepreneurial spirit for Correctional Inmates (WBP) after being released from prison to be independent human beings and ready to socialize in the community.

Komang Wira Kardita, PTPL Sales Region Manager IV, said, “Enduro Sahabat Lapas is a form of our responsibility and concern for the communities in where we operate. The hope is that this program can create a second chance for WBP and open up new job opportunities with high enthusiasm in the automotive world, especially in workshops.”

PTPL provides support programs, including mechanical training, capital assistance, and workshop service facilities for WBP (as one of the coaching efforts in preparing work skills after the detention period).

Before the inauguration of this workshop, the program has been running since November 16, 2021. For two weeks, the WBP received training from IPTTI (Indonesian Applied Technology Development Institute) Jogja on mechanical science and service. With the official opening of this workshop, six WBP will be ready to operate the workshop.**

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