
Pinky Movement: Pertamina Distributes IDR 44.4 Billion for Hundreds of MSMEs and LPG Outlets

Jakarta, December 16, 2020 - The value of the distribution of Pertamina's Pinky Movement Partnership Program continues to increase significantly. Until mid-December 2020, the value of distribution has reached more than IDR.44.4 billion. This program continues to target outlets and MSME users of subsidized LPG to improve their competence and business development.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, explained that this amount had been distributed to 112 Pertamina's fostered MSMEs and 425 non-subsidized LPG outlets. "This distribution is expected to help MSMEs and LPG outlets immediately rise from the impact of the pandemic as well as educational facilities to use subsidized LPG," she explained.

Pinky Movement, continued Fajriyah, is a business capital loan program. It is awarded to MSMEs LPG outlets to develop their business by selling non-subsidized LPG as well as MSMEs using subsidized LPG who wish to switch to using non-subsidized LPG. "Pertamina targets the Pinky Movement program to target at least 2000 SMEs LPG outlets and 100 small businesses using LPG," she said.

According to Fajriyah, apart from business capital, the fostered MSMEs will also receive guidance in training and certification assistance needed. The purpose of this coaching is so that these MSME players can improve their competence and develop their business to move up to become strong and independent MSMEs.

The presentation was delivered by VP of CSR & SMEPP Management of Pertamina, Arya Dwi Paramita, in a Webinar entitled "MSMEs Rise Up Encouraging the Use of Non-Subsidized LPG" held by Dunia Energi media. Apart from Arya, Bagus Rachman, Assistant for Extension Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs; Healthy Nirmalasari, Lecturer at Universitas Padjajaran were also present as resources.

Also, MSME partners fostered by the Pertamina Pinky Movement Program also present, namely Yeni Arzah. According to her, many facilities are obtained after becoming a fostered partner. Such as the ease of securing business capital and the ease of getting LPG stock for resale. "There is no need to hassle anymore because of being assisted by Pertamina," she explained.

"For MSMEs who are interested in participating in the Pinky Movement Partnership Program, such as Ms. Yeni, can contact Pertamina by phone 135 or access the website www.pertamina.com/id/program-kemitraan and email: pcc@pertamina.com," said Arya. This effort is one form of implementation of the Goal 8 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Namely, it is hoped that it can help people get jobs and encourage national economic growth.**

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