
Presenting Successful Business Women, Rumah BUMN Pertamina Host Anugerah Prestasi Inkubasi Bisnis 2021 Today

Jakarta, February 16, 2021 – PT Pertamina (Persero) through the Inkubasi Bisnis Rumah BUMN (RB) Pertamina program will hold an MSMEs Business Incubation Achievement Award (Anugerah Prestasi Inkubasi Bisnis UMKM) event. The event, held virtually on Tuesday (16/2), will present inspiring figures in Indonesia.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Agus Suprijanto, said that this event was held as a commitment of PT Pertamina (Persero) to become a driving force for the populist economy to upgrade and provide benefits for small business actors.

"This Anugerah Prestasi Inkubasi Bisnis event is a form of appreciation for the 53 participants of the RB Pertamina incubation after 4 months of full mentoring by the Indonesian Mentor Business team, ranging from personal branding, business goals, digital marketing, to product branding," said Agus.

In addition to the 53 RB Pertamina incubation participants, according to Agus, other general participants can also participate. Such as SME fostered by RB Pertamina, non-assisted UMK, public observers of SMEs, entrepreneurship students, and the mass media. All of them can be watched through the Gen UMKM Youtube channel on Tuesday (16/2) at 09.00 WIB.

The virtual event will present the Minister of Tourism & Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno as the keynote speaker. Also, as a speaker, Nurhayati Subakat, founder of Wardah cosmetics. To fill the talk show session "Masterclass: Perjalanan Sukses Sang Pelopor (The Success Journey of a Pioneer)," who started a business from a home business to successfully building one of the leading brands in Asia.

Apart from inviting extraordinary speakers, this activity will also be opened directly by Nicke Widyawati - President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero). Agus advised that MSMEs, in general, can participate in these activities.

"There will be a lot of motivation in entrepreneurship from people who have knowledge in building a business. SMEs or startups can participate so that they can interact with sources and gain knowledge," Agus concluded.**

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