
Road to GBBI SMEXPO 2021, Pertamina Holds Entrepreneurship Training for BUMDES and Go Online MSEs

Jakarta, August 26, 2021 – The series of activities for the Road to the Proudly Made in Indonesia Movement in East Kalimantan (GBBI Kaltim) and SMEXPO 2021 have begun. Towards the peak event in October 2021, PT Pertamina (Persero), through the Micro Small Enterprises (MSEs) Funding Program, held several Go Online MSE training attended by up to 450 people last week.

During the inaugural GBBI SMEXPO 2021 pre-event training, with the theme Entrepreneurship, BUMDES and GO online MSE, Acting Senior Vice President Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, said Pertamina collaborated with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT), the Coordinating Ministry Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenkomarves); East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Bank Indonesia, and other stakeholders.

"This training is intended so that BUMDES and MSEs can compete in digital markets and other online media. Much emphasis is placed on Pertamina's commitment to helping MSEs to upgrade," explained Fajriyah. 

Fajriyah emphasized that Pertamina, as one of Indonesia's strategic SOEs, is strongly committed to supporting the rise of micro, small and medium enterprises with the spirit of Energizing You and Energizing Indonesia. "We hope that this Go Online training can provide energy for BUMNDES and MSEs to upgrade and become strong and independent MSEs," she said.

The training began with a presentation by the keynote speaker, Harlina Sulistyorini, Director General of Village Economic Development and Investment – ​​Kemendes PDTT. Harlina conveyed a lot about the economic recovery strategy in the village. "The Ministry of Village has carried out a lot of revitalizing BUM Desa, digitizing the village economy with e-commerce players, increasing village food security, and empowering the Village Cash Work Intensive (PKTD)," she said.

Meanwhile, Husin Wijaya, an Exclusive Facilitator from the MarkPlus Institute, presented in two sessions, the first of which included numerous ideas on how to become upgraded BUMDes and MSE. "One of the keys is collaboration. Both collaboration between MSEs and with external parties such as Pertamina, for example. So the results are much better than alone," he said.

In session 2, Husin shared his knowledge related to online selling strategies in e-commerce. It starts from the preparation stage, namely business analysis, to the execution stage in managing social media and marketplaces. "At this time, especially during the pandemic, the online sales migration trend is mostly done by the public. MSEs must also balance to be able to be adaptive," he added.

According to Fajriyah, through the MSE Funding Program, Pertamina wants to provide energy that can move the economy--energy that fuels and energy that produces sustainable growth.

Pertamina also supports SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) point 8 achievements through implementing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs in all of its operational areas. It is part of the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) to realize economic benefits in the community.**

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