
Subsidized Fuel Registration Via MyPertamina Website Specifically for Four Wheelers

Jakarta, June 30, 2022 – PT Pertamina (Persero), through Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sub Holding Commercial & Trading, is committed to carrying out the government's assignment mandate in distributing subsidized fuel (BBM). To ensure subsidized fuel distribution can be right on target and quota, Pertamina applies a new mechanism, which is by fuel registration through the website subsiditepat.mypertamina.id specifically for four-wheeled vehicles (cars).

Corporate Secretary of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Irto Ginting, said that subsidized Pertalite and Solar distribution still has various challenges. Some of them are the distribution that is not right on target, in which users who are not entitled also participate in consuming subsidized fuel. It also affects the quota that Pertamina Patra Niaga must meet as the assigned business entity.

“60% of people who can afford or belong in the richest group consume almost 80% of the total subsidized fuel consumption. Meanwhile, 40% of the vulnerable and poor only consume 20% of the total energy subsidy. Therefore, we need a new mechanism, how this energy subsidy is received and enjoyed by those entitled to it,” said Irto Ginting.

Given that the government has made significant contributions toward allocating funds totaling up to IDR 520 trillion for energy subsidies in 2022, this targeted subsidy is critical. In ensuring this No. subsidy, Pertamina Patra Niaga must also comply with applicable regulations, such as Presidential Regulation no. 191/2014 and the Decree (SK) of the Head of BPH.Migas No. 04/P3JBT/BPH Migas/KOM/2020.

"All regulations regarding user segmentation, quotas, and other regulations have been contained in the decree, but in the field, they are still not on target. Pertamina Patra Niaga, as the one who was assigned took the initiative, ensuring that distribution in the field could run more accurately on target with an initial trial of matching system-based or digital data using MyPertamina," conveyed Irto.

Choosing the MyPertamina website was not without reason. According to BPH Migas Regulation No. 06/2013, IT technology systems utilization in fuel distribution can be done. Starting July 1, it is planned to conduct a trial registration through the MyPertamina website subsiditepat.mypertamina.id.

At this stage, registration focuses on matching data between those registered by the public with documents and vehicle data owned. After the status is registered, the public will get a unique QR Code which will be received via email or notification on the subsiditepat.mypertamina.id website. For the public's convenience, the QR Code can be printed and taken to the petrol station. Thus, the public does not have to download the MyPertamina application or bring their cellphone to the petrol station. This mechanism is still specialized for four-wheeled vehicles (cars).

"Starting on July 1, registration will be open until July 30, 2022. During this registration and transition period, people can still buy Pertalite and Solar, but we still encourage people to register their vehicles and identity. We also reiterate that it is not mandatory to have the MyPertamina application, but must register on the subsiditepat.mypertamina.id website specifically for four-wheeled vehicles," said Irto.

Irto ensured that the implementation of registration through the website was not to make it difficult for the public but to protect vulnerable people who had the right to consume energy subsidies.

“This data collection's purpose is to protect vulnerable people and ensure that energy subsidies are right on target. As a result, entitled community can utilize the budget that the government has allocated. In the future, we hope that this data can be used to determine energy policies with the government and can prevent subsidized fuel misuse potential in the field," stated Irto.

For information, according to the Decree of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 37.K/HK.02/MEM.M/2022, Pertalite is designated as Assignment Fuel by the government. For further information regarding the mechanism for distributing targeted subsidies using the MyPertamina system, the public can contact the Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135 and the official social media @ptpertaminapatraniaga and @mypertamina.**

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