
Targeting Millennials, PHR Promotes Stunting Prevention in 3 Schools

Pekanbaru, February 27, 2023 - PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) is participating in preventing stunting, which has become a national issue. In handling and preventing this, PHR cooperates with the Riau Regional Family Planning Association (PKBI) to intensively conducting outreach to various lines.

In the PHR Care for Stunting Goes To School program, PHR targets teenagers or millennials. In parallel, a program themed 'Millennial Generation Cares about Stunting' was present at MTSN 3 Rokan Hilir, Purna Manunggal Kampar High School, and SMKN 1 Mandau Bengkalis.

In this case, PHR is targeting the youth as stunting prevention education from upstream and efforts to increase youth participation in reducing stunting cases in Riau Province.

At SMKN 1 Mandau, this program was welcomed with great enthusiasm by the hundreds of students who attended. The head of SMKN 1 Mandau, Zulfikar S.Pd, expressed his appreciation for the PHR program.

"Hopefully, the information obtained by the SMKN 1 Mandau students can be absorbed, understood, and passed on to the community regarding the importance of preventing stunting and anemia in adolescents. We hope this activity can raise awareness among adolescents," he said.

Align, the Head of MTSN 3 Rokan Hilir, Asiah S.Pd.I said this socialization was a positive activity. After gaining new knowledge, students were expected to be role models for the community regarding the importance of stunting prevention.

PHR has started a stunting prevention program after the WK Rokan management transfer in August 2021. Apart from Kampar, Rohil, and Bengkalis, stunting prevention programs are also implemented in Siak and Pekanbaru.

To support the Riau 031 Wirabima Korem Territorial Development program, PHR WK Rokan has also distributed additional food to 50 children for six consecutive months in collaboration with the Wirabima 031 Korem since October 2022.

Corporate Secretary of WK Rokan, Rudi Ariffianto, explained that this activity was one of PHR's Social and Environmental Responsibility Programs (TJSL) in the health sector.

"The PHR stunting prevention program follows Government's programs contained in the 2019-2024 National/Regional Medium-Term Development Plan. Not only through PHR Goes to School activities, but PHR also provides support in the form of PMT weighing tools and measuring instruments in efforts to prevent and overcome stunting," he said.

According to him, this program also supports sustainable development goals (SDGs) achievement, especially goal 2, namely Eliminating Hunger, Achieving Food Security and Good Nutrition, and Improving Sustainable Agriculture.

Previously, this program received an award from the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) in mid-June 2022. The Governor of Riau, Syamsuar, also gave an award to PHR for its contribution to preventing stunting in Riau.

Recently, PHR's collaboration with the Kampar Regency Government received praise from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, for successfully reducing the stunting rate in the area. The PHR stunting prevention program in Kampar has shown very satisfactory results. The stunting rate has decreased quite drastically from 27 percent to 8 percent.

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