
The Subsidi Tepat Program Reached 5 Million Registrants

Jakarta, February 28, 2023 - Pertamina Patra Niaga, PT Pertamina (Persero) Commercial & Trading Subholding continues the initiative for the Subsidi Tepat Program registration as the first step in distributing more targeted subsidized fuel. Until the end of February 2023, Subsidi Tepat applicants have exceeded more than five million vehicle units.

Corporate Secretary of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Irto Ginting, explained of more than five million vehicles units registered in the Subsidi Tepat Program, the Pertalite vehicle types percentage reached 54%, and the registered subsidized Solar user vehicles reached 46%.

"From this data, 80% of Pertalite users are dominated by private users. While Solar, the composition is quite balanced between private users and public vehicles," he said.

The Subsidi Tepat Program aims to record vehicles using Pertalite and Solar. Through data collection, it is hoped that subsidized fuel distribution can be better monitored and prevent fraud or abuse in the field. Thus, subsidized fuel is distributed to the entitled people.

"Currently, Pertamina Patra Niaga continues to conduct socialization and education regarding registration procedures, as well as testing for the QR Code verification readiness. We also continue to monitor the revision progress of Presidential Regulation No. 191 of 2014 as the reference regulation for determining the subsidized fuel distribution," said Irto.

To increase the registrants' number, Irto said that to make it more accessible for the public, Pertamina Patra Niaga continues to add direct registration booth points. For people with internet access and mobile phones, online registration ensures there are no problems through the website subsiditepat.mypertamina.id and the Subsidi Tepat menu in the MyPertamina application.

"There are more than 1,300 offline registration booth points spread throughout Indonesia, the location can be checked directly through https://mypertamina.id/location-penregistran-offline-bbm-subsidi-tepat. Apart from encouraging people to register, we also ensure that the verification process runs optimally to be done on time," Irto continued.

Irto also continues to remind people entitled to subsidized fuel to register their vehicles immediately. Further, the Subsidi Tepat Program will be synergized with the regulations for the subsidized fuel distribution determined by the government.

"This is a step by the Government and Pertamina to ensure that subsidies fuel are more targeted, as a protection form for people who are entitled to enjoy fuel subsidies, people who really need energy at affordable prices for their needs," Irto concluded.

For further information and questions regarding the Subsidi Tepat Program, the public can check the official social media @ptpertaminapatraniaga, @mypertamina, the website subsiditepat.mypertamina.id and Pertamina Call Center (PCC) at 135.**

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