Jakarta, December 10, 2021 – Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) and Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) appreciate Pertamina's commitment eradicate fraud to prevent corruption. It was conveyed by the Deputy Chair of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, and the Main Auditor of BPK Investigation, Hery Subowo, during the 2021 World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) webinar, Wednesday, December 8, 2021. Hakordia is celebrated on December 9 every year.
"We appreciate Pertamina as part of the element of this nation that is committed to being both hostile and fighting corruption because we cannot do this alone. For this reason, all Pertamina's ranks must prioritize integrity in their work," said Nurul.
Nurul added that the Whistleblower System (WBS) that Pertamina built had become a complaint room. If complaints are given space, then fraud can be anticipated early. Therefore, it does not cause further losses
"That is the motivation of WBS, to provide a room for complaints that are easily accessible by workers and all elements in the company and is one of the efforts to maintain integrity. It must be part of the monitoring commitment across the Board of Directors. Therefore, Pertamina can control fraud, and all levels of Pertamina prioritize integrity in their work," he added.
Hery Subowo, Main Auditor for the Investigation of BPK, conveyed similar remarks. He said that Pertamina must create a system that carefully monitors the modus operandi of corruption because currently, many aspects can lead workers to commit crimes.
"Companies must create a system that makes fraudulent acts difficult. Because if the intention meets opportunity, there will be rationalizations that make people commit fraud. It is the weakness of the system that gives them the opportunity," said Hery.
On the same occasion, the President Commissioner of Pertamina, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, shared the value behind the initials of the name BTP, which stands for Clean, Transparent, and Professional. The initials, which are the same as the slogan of KADIN. Basuki hopes all Pertamina officers hold the values ​​of Clean, Transparent, Professional.
"This is a good standard, and we apply it to Pertamina as well. Of course, I understand that our struggle is not easy. However, it must be carried out," said Basuki.
Basuki emphasized the importance of maintaining the monitoring mechanisms put in place by Pertamina in collaboration with the KPK and BPK. As a result, the goal of creating a world-class leading energy corporation with a market value of USD 100 billion by 2024 is achievable.
The event, which included the launch of the Pertamina - KPK whistleblowing system program and the Pertamina Antifraud book, was opened by Dedi Sunardi, Business Support Director of Pertamina. He also advised that all Pertamina officers must adhere to the moral values mandated by the Ministry of SOEs.
"One of the moral values ​​is Amanah, which means holding fast to the trust given. We hope that every Pertamina officer carries out this value in their daily life and does not injure the value of this trust with unlawful acts, such as fraud, gratification, and even corruption," he concluded.**