
Accelerating Digitalization Program, Kilang Pertamina Internasional Cilacap Unit Owns a Strategic Command Center

Cilacap, January 6, 2022 - Starting the 2022 new year agenda, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Cilacap unit inaugurated the control room, Strategic Command Center (SCC) in the Head Office (HO) area. The presence of SCC is the initiation of a control program to monitor the condition of the refinery during operation and maintenance.

The control room, which is located on the 2nd floor of the PT KPI RU IV Cilacap HO building, was inaugurated by the General Manager (GM) of PT KPI RU IV, Eko Sunarno along with all levels of management marked by the signing of the inscription and virtual touch, Friday (31/12/2021).

Senior Manager Operations & Manufacturing (SMOM) RU IV, Didik Subagyo said, SCC is a management monitoring medium. In addition, as an effort to digitalize business aspects at Pertamina to increase the speed of decision making. "All refinery activities and problems can be monitored closely by management so that it is easy to find solutions from all scopes in each field," he explained.

SCC, continued Didik, has several monitors that display the RU IV business process dashboard which consists of Value Creation and Value Protection monitors. “Value Creation Monitor is the main dashboard consisting of Financial Dashboard, Oil Flow Dashboard, Process & Quality Dashboard, and Competency Dashboard as a monitoring system for certification and employee training. While the Value Protection monitors consist of the HSSE Dashboard, Reliability Dashboard, Maintenance Dashboard, and BOC Dashboard," he said.

GM Eko Sunarno appreciates this initiative as an effort to accelerate digital transformation at Pertamina as a necessity in the current era. "This is in line with Pertamina's digitalization transformation efforts and the world energy transition trend in 2021 where Pertamina carries 6G. Namely, Go Sustainable, Go Green, Go Collaborative, Go Digital, Go Productive & Efficient, and Go Global," he added.**

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