
Affected Residents Return Plan Socialization, Pertamina Prepares Covid-19 Screening Test

Indramayu, April 7, 2021 - After successfully extinguishing the T-301 tank in the Balongan Refinery, Pertamina began to return the affected residents home. This stage started with the socialization to around 40 participants consisting of Muspika, Kuwu (village head), community leaders, environmental officials (RW and RT) as well as TNI (military) and POLRI (police), at the Regional Assistant Meeting Room II, Pendopo Indramayu Regency on Monday (5/1). The socialization will be continued to the affected residents at the evacuation sites on Wednesday (7/1).

Prior to the return of residents, Pertamina prepares antigen swabs for Covid-19 screening in collaboration with the Indramayu District Health Office. It is intended to ensure that residents from evacuations camp return in a healthy condition.

During the socialization opportunity, Corporate Secretary of Subholding Refining & Petrochemical, PT Pertamina International Refinery, Ifki Sukarya, explained, "Residents with negative swab results will be sent home. Residents with positive swab results will be further identified. "Residents with symptoms (mild, moderate and severe) will be immediately referred to Pertamina Balongan Hospital or other hospitals. Residents with asymptomatic positive resultswill be asked to isolate independently.”

"With this socialization, it is expected that the residents in Bumi Patra Sports Center will understand the process and procedures to return home. We hope that all residents are healthy and can reunite with their families soon," concluded Ifki.**

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