
After Shared Services, Pertamina Makes Digitizing the Company's Backbone

Jakarta, July 26, 2022 - After successfully building a digital operational system known as Shared Services (SS), Pertamina will make digitalization the company’s backbone in all business lines.

President Director of Pertamina Persero, Nicke Widyawati, said Pertamina would continue to promote digitalization as the company's backbone in all businesses in an integrated manner.

“The first step is to make digitalization the backbone. With digitalization, the company's operational activities can be faster, and our existing team can be mustered for data analysis. Without digitalization in the backbone, business processes will be hampered in the execution," said Nicke at the 2022 Shared Services Forum, held in a hybrid manner at the Grha Pertamina Ballroom, Monday, July 25, 2022.

She added that shared services establishment is the first stage. Once formed, Pertamina will measure productivity, performance, and operations.

“Next is a shared service function as a profit center so that it can contribute to the Pertamina market and even other agencies. This way, efficient productivity will greatly impact the company's achievements. Do not forget to always benchmark and measure the extent of its effectiveness and impact to the company," added Nicke.

Director of Business Support of Pertamina Persero, Dedi Sunardi, explained that the shared service program is inseparable from Pertamina's journey in holding and subholding organizations' restructuration. According to him, a lot of repetitive work makes work inefficient. For that, digitization is the answer.

“Therefore, we are building shared services in stages. From this program, what has been achieved is the SLA (Service Level Agreement) for services to officers. We hope that the SLA we have achieved can continue to be improved and refined. This SS forum's purpose is to increase stakeholders’ engagement," said Dedi.

Shared Services Pertamina is currently one of the largest SS in Indonesia. Since it was built in 2018, it has had 49 services and has been implemented in more than 50 business entities.**

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