
After the Earthquake, All Pertamina Patra Niaga Facilities in Cianjur Operate Normally

Cianjur, November 24, 2022 - After the 5.6 magnitude earthquake that shakes Cianjur, all fuel and LPG distribution facilities at Pertamina Patra Niaga, Subholding Commercial & Trading of PT Pertamina (Persero) are operating normally in channeling the energy needs for Cianjur people.

Regional Marketing Director of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Mars Ega Legowo Putra, said the facilities and amenities that have been operating normally include petrol stations, LPG agents, LPG Bulk Filling, and Transportation Stations (SPPBE).

"45 Petrol Stations, 43 LPG Agents, 6 SPPBE, and 37 Pertashops are operating normally. For petrol stations that were affected, there was operator assistance from Sukabumi, Bandung, and Bogor. LPG Agents who experience damage have also been handled. Therefore, LPG distribution continues to run normally and is not disturbed. We still urge all partners to always be vigilant," explained Mars Ega.

The supply point for petrol stations in Cianjur, namely the Padalarang Fuel Terminal, is in good condition and continues to operate normally. To ensure the path tankers go through, Pertamina Patra Niaga also continues to coordinate with various stakeholders considering there is road opening and closing after the landslide, which closed the Cipanas - Cianjur route.

"Pertamina Patra Niaga has also prepared the Jakarta Plumpang Fuel Terminal as an alternative for distribution to 4 petrol stations affected by landslides on the Cianjur - Cipanas open-close route. For services to the community, we have also prepared 3 motorbike units at the Panembong petrol station to serve fuel delivery," continued Mars Ega.

At the Panembong petrol station, Pertamina has also alerted the Pertamina Peduli Post collaborating with the Cianjur BPBD to distribute aid to affected communities. Moreover, Pertamina also sent medical personnel to be on standby in disaster areas.

For further information regarding Pertamina's services and products, the public can contact Pertamina Call Center 135.**

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