
Approaching Lebaran, Cilacap Refinery Operates Strategic Command Center to Optimize Operations & Production

Cilacap, May 1, 2022 - PT Refinery Pertamina Internasional (KPI) RU IV Cilacap confirms a world-class refinery road map with the latest facilities. Most recently, the refinery operational control room called the Strategic Command Center (SCC) became the initiation of the largest refinery in Indonesia.

Acting GM of PT KPI RU IV Cilacap, Arief Budiyanto, explained that the Head Office (HO) area facilities function as controls to monitor the refinery condition during operation and maintenance. "SCC is a management monitoring and medium. Moreover, it is an effort to transform business aspects digitalization at Pertamina to increase the decision-making speed," he said.

Arief continued that with the SCC's presence, all refinery activities and problems can be monitored closely by management. "Thus, it is easy to find solutions for every problem from all scopes in each field," said Arief.

SCC has several monitors that display the RU IV business process dashboard, consisting of the Value Creation and Value Protection monitors. “Value Creation Monitor is the main dashboard consisting of Financial Dashboard, Oil Flow Dashboard, Process & Quality Dashboard, and Competency Dashboard as a monitoring system for certification and employee training. While the Value Protection monitors consist of the HSSE Dashboard, Reliability Dashboard, Maintenance Dashboard, and BOC Dashboard," conveyed Arief.

This effort, said Arief, has accelerated Pertamina's digital transformation as a necessity in the current era. "This is in line with Pertamina's digitalization transformation efforts," he said.

On the other hand, with this facility, the Cilacap Refinery can closely monitor refinery production, especially fuel and LPG. "Therefore, fuel and LPG stocks availability can be monitored better to ensure smooth distribution to the fuel terminal approaching this Eid," said Arief.

RU IV is the largest and most strategic refinery owned by PT KPI. With 348 thousand barrels/day production capacity, the Cilacap refinery supplies 33% of the national energy needs and 60% in Java.**

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