
Approaching Ramadan, Pertamina Guarantees Sufficient Fuel and LPG Supply in Central Java-DIY

Semarang, April 1, 2022 - Approaching Ramadan in 2022, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga guarantees a sufficient energy supply, particularly in fuel oil (BBM) and LPG, for the Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Regions (DIY). It was stated by the Area Manager of Communication, Relations, & CSR of Central Java Pertamina Patra Niaga, Brasto Galih Nugroho in Semarang, on Thursday (31/3).

"Entering the third year of Ramadan during the pandemic, we notice the decline in Covid-19 cases in Indonesia is quite exhilarating. It is marked by an increase in community activity. We note an increase in BBM and LPG consumption in the community from time to time," said Brasto.

It was recorded that the average daily consumption of gasoline-type fuel at the beginning of this year was 12,671 kiloliters (KL)/day, and gasoil type fuel was at 6,587 KL/day. The average daily consumption of LPG products is 4,360 Metric Tons (MT)/day.

"This figure increased by around 6% for gasoline fuel, 9% for gasoil fuel, and 0.8% for LPG compared to the average daily consumption of each fuel in 2021. It shows the increase in activity is in line with the recovery and economic growth of the community since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020," he stated.

According to Brasto, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga always ensures that fuel needs for the community can always be fulfilled safely, especially during Ramadan.

"In our operational area, fuel supplies are supplied from 8 Fuel Terminals (FT), including FT Pengapon in Semarang city, FT Cilacap in Cilacap district, FT Lomanis in Cilacap district, FT Maos in Cilacap district, FT Tegal in Tegal district, FT Boyolali in Boyolali district, FT Rewulu in Bantul district, and FT Cepu in Blora district. Meanwhile, the LPG supplies are from LPG Terminal in Cilacap, LPG Terminal in Rembang, and LPG Terminal in Semarang," explained Brasto.

For fuel and LPG distribution agencies, Brasto said, there were 989 petrol stations, 1,118 Pertashops, 51,555 subsidized LPG bases, and 9,509 non-subsidized LPG outlets spread across Central Java and DIY.

The public and consumers who need information about products and services from Pertamina can contact the Pertamina Call Center service at 135 or through the MyPertamina application as well as through the www.pertamina.com website.**

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