
B20 Energy, Sustainability & Climate Task Force Accelerates to Succeed G20

Jakarta, January 19, 2022 - To strengthen Indonesia's role as the Group of Twenty (G20) Presidency, The Business 20 (B20) formed the Energy, Sustainability & Climate Task Force. This Energy Task Force is moving quickly to realize programs that can contribute to the success of the upcoming November 2022 G20 Summit.

This step is manifested in various activities, including holding a Stakeholder Consultation Task Force on Energy, Sustainability, & Climate Business Entities, Associations, & Think-Tank (18/1). This consultative discussion was held in the form of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) attended by 24 business entities and associations intending to dig up information and absorb the aspirations of stakeholders in the energy sector. Previously, a similar activity had also been held on December 28, 2021, with participants from the government.

There are three topics raised in this activity, which are Accelerate The Transition to Sustainable Energy Use, Ensure a Just and Orderly Transition, and Addressing Energy Poverty.

President Director of PT Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, who is also the Chair of the B20 Energy, Sustainability & Climate Task Force said that B20 was formed to support all policies that would be the result of the G20 Summit. The role of B20 is important because it discusses current energy issues and is one of the focuses of the G20.

"The president said there are three things that the G20 and B20 will focus on. First, inclusive health care. Second, digital-based transformation. Third, the transition to sustainable energy. So this task force is one of the strategic task forces to jointly produce policies recommendations," said Nicke.

Nicke further explained the critical issue in increasing New and Renewable Energy (EBT), namely the technology needed to manage Indonesia's abundant Energy Resources to be processed into environmentally friendly energy. In addition, said Nicke, it is also related to the funding that is currently available for green funding in the context of developing NRE.

For that, Nicke said, what must be done now is how to create a program that can balance these things, so that the government's target for net-zero emissions by 2060 is achieved.

"This is our task to formulate it. Because, apart from innovation, we also have to discuss collaboration with developed countries. They allocate some funds for the development of renewable energy and encourage energy transition in developing countries," said Nicke.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chair of the Energy, Sustainability & Climate Task Force, Agung Wicaksono hopes that this stakeholder consultation activity can enrich Policy Recommendation inputs from business actors/institutions in the energy & industry sector.

"It is hoped that the priority issues brought by the B20 Energy, Sustainability, & Climate Task Force have represented the aspirations of business actors/institutions in the energy & industry sector in Indonesia. We hope that the results of this discussion can provide concrete, representative, and actionable recommendations that can be directly adopted by business actors in G20 countries," said Agung.

From this activity, obtained inputs will become important points in ensuring a sustainable energy transition for business actors, including related to the readiness of infrastructure and human resources, funding support, to the consistency of policies and regulations needed to provide energy that is widely accessible with a competitive price. **

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