
Bakti BUMN Volunteers' Gait in Upgrading MSME at the Klungkung Bali Rumah BUMN

August 16, 2022 - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) with PT Pertamina (Persero) inaugurated the Rumah BUMN in Klungkung, Bali. This inauguration was also filled with guidance and education activities for MSME in Bali to understand and master the digital marketing field.

Assistant Deputy for Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) of the Ministry of SOEs, Edi Eko Cahyono, expressed his appreciation for the Klungkung Rumah BUMN presence. He hopes that the Klungkung Rumah BUMN can become a forum for SOEs fostered partners in developing businesses and advancing to become MSMEs that go digital.

"I also appreciate Pertamina for initiating the Rumah BUMN, especially in Klungkung Regency. It is very needed by the community. We hope that the community will benefit as much as possible, especially in creating a good MSME marketing program," said Edi.

In this activity, members of the Bakti BUMN Volunteers became presenters in the Digital Marketing & Social Media Class, which was attended by MSME actors at the Klungkung Rumah BUMN. Bakti BUMN volunteers provide education to MSME actors, especially regarding information technology development in running a business.

Bakti BUMN Volunteers also provide material in digital marketing and social media aspects. This activity was filled with practice sessions for creating social media accounts for MSMEs that had not yet Go Digital and Go Online.

In this activity, the volunteers directly assist MSME in taking product photos to be used in digital marketing and social media content.

Edi Eko Cahyono said that this Bakti BUMN Volunteer is a program initiated by the Ministry of SOE which aims to provide opportunities for SOE employees throughout Indonesia to be directly involved and give their service in building Indonesia through the CSR program.

"The Bakti BUMN Volunteer Program, which is participated by SOEs Workers, is one of the pillars to increase SOE responsibility where they understand the Bakti BUMN role so that they can provide the understanding and the maximum benefit to the community," said Edi Eko Cahyono.

Meanwhile, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility and SMEPP Management of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, said that through this activity, SMEs' ability in digital marketing could be increased. Moreover, the volunteers are directly involved in providing digital marketing guidance and education to MSMEs.

"They hold classes on digital platforms such as photography and social media where volunteers provide education to MSME players around Klungkung so that their products can be better and more interesting to be displayed on social media. It is hoped that with this training, their skills in digital marketing can increase,” said Fajriyah.

Nabila, a Bukti BUMN Volunteer from PT Taspen (Persero) and a speaker for this activity, is enthusiastic about delivering material and sharing information about digital marketing.

"Earlier, I conveyed material about digital marketing, and these MSME actors were very enthusiastic. We defined what MSMEs needed, such as how to do digital marketing," she said.

Meanwhile, one of Bali Nature's MSMEs, Komang Wati, appreciated this activity. Komang, who runs a coconut-based beauty product business, admitted that she was helped and got a lot of benefits and information to run her MSMEs.

"I am happy to take part in this activity. The material obtained is also important about how we produce good photos, then upload them to social media, which is very good because we are currently in this pandemic, and everything is online. It is helpful and very motivating," she said.**

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