
Becoming Pertamina's Fostered Partner, This MSMEs is Upgrading Progressively, and Its Turnover Multiplies

Jakarta, February 2, 2021 - The Pertamina UMKM Academy 2020: Fast Track event tells many success stories for its graduates. Apart from being a graduated MSME, there were many positive impacts felt by these MSMEs. It starts from increasing turnover, the business capacity to expanding the marketing reach.

One of the MSME who was lucky to participate in one of the Pertamina Partnership Program was Taufiq El Rahman. The owners of MebelAnugrahJepara Exclusive have carried out many business transformations after joining the program. Especially in terms of digital marketing. "Currently, I have a digital media blog, Google Business, two social media accounts, and four marketplace accounts," he said.

With so many digital media being created, Taufiq hopes that his products' marketing reach will expand. Currently, furniture products are produced in Tulungrejo Hamlet, Kec. Pare, Kab. Kediri has reached several East Java cities such as Madiun, Malang, Sidoarjo, and outside of Java, Makassar, Samarinda, and Balikpapan.

At the beginning of his business in 2007, Taufiq only made products based on orders. Many people like the product. By becoming Pertamina's partner, he was finally able to fulfill the many demands, which increases his turnover. "Turnover has increased drastically from IDR 15 million per month to IDR 50 - 60 million per month," he added.

This swift turnover of capital provides more significant benefits for his business. Of course, this is balanced with local residents' economic empowerment with a large number of local employees being recruited. Besides Kediri, Taufiq also has a workshop in DesaBawu, Kec. BatealitJepara by employing 24 employees. It is one of the efforts to implement ESG in the social sector.

Apart from providing venture capital and assistance, Pertamina also supports Taufiq to participate in several national-scale exhibitions in Surabaya and Jakarta. Among them are the Jatim Fair, Inacraft, Crafina, JICC, and Indo Building Tech events. Through these exhibitions, its market share has expanded and is better known nationally.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Agus Suprijanto, added that Pertamina would support local products' development, as was done by Taufiq. The MSMEs will continue to be developed with the Go Digital, Go Modern, Go Online, and Go Global coaching schemes. "We are optimistic that the fostered partners will be able to develop and upgrade. As well as implementing SDGs point 8 by helping people around them and supporting economic growth," he concluded.**

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