
Becoming Pertamina’s Fostered Partner, Batik Pekatan Had an Increasing Turnover During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Jakarta, February 13– 2022 - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga West Java Region is committed to advancing Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE), which has been carried out with various programs. One of which is through an integrated assistance system developments in financing schemes, coaching programs, training, and marketing improvement.

Iftitakhiyah (39), the Batik Pekatan owner, started her business in 2019, just a few months before the pandemic. This business idea and its artistic value have been passed down from her batik entrepreneurs family.

Batik is a cloth that is painted with liquid wax using a tool known as canting creating high-value artistic painting.

“I was born in a family of batik entrepreneurs in Pekalongan. The desire to start a hand-drawn batik business has become greater after watching the struggle of batik artisans, who are failing to keep up with the batik printing industries of batik-like motifs and batik-like materials. Through Batik Pekatan business that we create, I hope to keep the hopes of hand-drawn batik artisans to keep working and expanding their market," Iftitakhiyah said.

The making of batik cloth needs special techniques. Therefore, it can produce high artistic value paintings. Batik Pekatan is made by selected artisans and designers. Iftitakhiyah employs three artisans from Pekalongan, Cirebon, and Lasem. Its mission is to promote wastra coastal batik from the three regions and two designers and tailors for ready-to-wear collections.

Batik Pekatan is located at Grand Citra Residence, Depok, which sells Pekatan Batik fabrics and ready-to-wear products. Product prices for ready-to-wear collections start from IDR 475 thousand to IDR 2 million. As for the batik cloth, the price varies from IDR 400 thousand to IDR 3 million. With purchasing requests from cities such as Bandung, Bali, Semarang, Madiun, Magetan, and Cirebon. Until now, Kain is t still a favorite product of the customers.

"Thanks to Pertamina for the assistance given to us during the pandemic. Thank God, the annual turnover was at IDR 150 million. In 2021, there was a slight increase in turnover to around IDR 200 million thanks to assistance for the marketing by Pertamina," Iftitakhiyah said.

Together with Pertamina, Batik Pekatan has participated in two ongoing events, namely Pertamina Smexpo 2021 and Adiwastra as foster partners.

Iftitakhiyah hopes that Batik Pekatan can receive better access to marketing and business development with Pertamina.

"Through mentoring by empowering MSEs, this is a strategic step to advance their fostered partners so that they continue to grow and develop maturely. And we will continue to assist and guide Micro and Small Business actors to compete in the business world, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic," said Eko Kristiawan, Area Manager of Communication, Relations & CSR of Pertamina Patra Niaga West Java Region.

This program also aims to implement point 8 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely decent work and economic growth. In addition to the SDGs, Pertamina also strives to implement Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) in the social sector. This way, Pertamina believes that according to the environmental and social responsibilities, it can generate economic benefits in the community.

To join Pertamina's fostered partners, requirements can be seen on the following link, /id/program-kemitraan.**

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