
BUMN Visit UGM, Explain Opportunities Working in BUMN Energy

YOGYAKARTA – To celebrate Youth Pledge Day, ministry of SOE organize an event entitled BUMN Visit Campus. The first ever event that was held simultaneously in 28 universities, as the effort to introduce BUMN progress and their contribution towards national economy. Minister of SOE, Echelon I Officials Ministry of State-owned enterprise and SOE Directors sent to campus to discuss with lecturers and students scattered all over Indonesia.

The activity which consist of public lecture and discussion with practitioners, is expected to be a medium of connection between campus and industrial world in this case BUMN, which is usually viewed as an exclusive state owned enterprises.

With a theme “Fair Economy in Indonesia”, BUMN held the event at Universitas Gadjah Mada and invited 1000 college students with speakers such as Deputy of Energy Business, Logistics, Region and Tourism ministry of State-owned Enterprise, Edwin Hidayat Abdullah; Director of Planning, Investment, and Risk Management Pertamina, Gigih Prakoso Soewarto, President Director PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko (Persero), Edi Setiyono; Rektor UGM, Prof Ir Panut Mulyono, MEng, Deng; as well as Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya, M.Soc.Sc., Ph.D.

On the occasion, Edwin explained BUMN strategic role as the agent of development in strengthening national economics. He said that, the presences of 118 BUMN in Indonesia with their own business fields, have given contribution to the country such as encourage connectivity and competitiveness, drive electrification in the country, easy access to information, actualize One Price Fuel as a form of economic justice, develop community empowerment and create social justice, SMEs and environment.

“This program is expected to give understanding to civitas academica about the condition of national economic and BUMN strategic role in contributing for national development, as well as to accommodate BUMN and university synergy as a professional human resources producers,” jelas Edwin.

Meanwhile, Director of Planning, Investment, and Risk Management Pertamina, Gigih Prakoso Soewarto, explain about Pertamina contribution as one of the state-owned enterprises that give contribution towards national energy security, through the implementation of Public Service Organization (PSO) for low income society (MBR), implementation of national priority program, as well as the national economy equity and improvement program.

“Challenges that we face today is the availability of sufficient energy to fulfil national needs. Pertamina strives for energy provision and distribution to the whole country, such as fuel and LPG, refinery construction to fulfil fuel needs domestically, realize one price fuel policy in 3T region with the target of 150 locations in 2019, as well as the development of new and renewable energy through the establishment of Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) and Solar Power Plant (PLTS).” Said Gigih.

Gigih added, the development of new and renewable energy in the future will need the support of universities as one of BUMN’s strategic partner to prepare human resources in conducting breakthroughs, innovation, technology as well as preparing incubator for commercialization. “University must be more active in doing development studies of EBTKE potential in Indonesia, to drive the utilization of EBTKE as the energy resources in the future,” he explained.

The event closed with a symbolic submission of Beasiswa Sobat Bumi scholarship from Pertamina for 15 students with maximum value of Rp 150 million, as well as KKN thematic aid through community empowerment in East Indonesia in 10 points with maximum value of Rp 1,5 billion.

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