
Central Java Police Chief Explains Allegations Regarding Cilacap Refinery Tank Incident

Cilacap, November 15,  2021 – Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Ahmad Lutfhi, stated the 36 T-102 tank incident in the PT Refinery Pertamina International (KPI) Cilacap Unit was allegedly caused by a lightning strike. It was stated by the Kapolda in a Press Conference at the Patra Graha building, Cilacap, Monday morning (15/11).

Kapolda explained that his party had examined six witnesses, 5 of whom are external parties. "The five witnesses confirmed that on Saturday night, November 13, 2021, when the fire incident occurred, there was rain accompanied by lightning around the scene," he said.

It is reinforced by witness statements from the Cilacap Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). "Information from BMKG, on the day, there were two lightning points with a distance of 45 kilometers and 12 kilometers. The information from experts strengthened the theory of lightning induction, which results in flashes of light," said the Kapolda.

Furthermore, the Police have also checked the footage of 7 CCTV cameras. Two of which show a flash of lightning followed by a fire at 19.10 WIB. "From the testimony of witnesses, BMKG and Pertamina internal, we currently suspect that the fire occurred in the 36 T-102 tanks was due to lightning induction. There is no negligence or sabotage in this incident," said the Kapolda.

On the same occasion, the Head of the Cilacap BMKG Meteorological Station, Taruna Mona Rachman, confirmed that from the lightning detection device in Banjarnegara, an analysis was obtained on Saturday (11/13) between 18.00 - 19.30 WIB, there were two lightning strikes. "The first is at 18.47 WIB. The second is at 19.23 WIB. The closest one to the refinery area occurred at 18.47.27," he explained.

Area Manager of Communication, Relations & CSR of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Unit Cilacap, Cecep Supriyatna, said Pertamina supports and respects the investigation process carried out by the authorities. "We are ready to assist the authorities in this process by providing the necessary information and data to determine the cause of the incident. We will wait for the results of the investigation," Cecep said.**

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