
Checking Fuel and LPG Infrastructure, Pertamina Ensures Optimization of Distribution in Sulawesi during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr

Makassar, April 11, 2023 – The Executive General Manager and the management team of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi conducted a Management Walkthrough (MWT) to ensure that the governance of energy distribution in Sulawesi runs well, in safe and smooth conditions during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. MWT is a form of concern and awareness of the Health Safety Security Environment (HSSE) factor.

The MWT was carried out to the Palopo Fuel Terminal and three petrol stations in Luwu Regency, namely Sampoddo petrol station 74.91977, Lare-Lare petrol station 75.91926, and Karang-Karangan petrol station 74.91993. For information, the Palopo Fuel Terminal has a distribution area coverage of five districts/cities, namely Kab. Wajo, Kab. Luwu, Palopo City, Kab. North Luwu, and Kab. East Luwu.

In the following day, MWT was also carried out to the Parepare Fuel Terminal, two petrol stations, namely Bojo and Maros petrol stations, and 1 SPBE in Parepare. The Parepare Fuel Terminal has a distribution area coverage of ten Regencies/Cities, namely Parepare Municipality, Kab. Barru, Kab. Sidrap, Kab. Pinrang, Kab. Enrekang, Tana Toraja, Kab. Polman, Kab. Mamasa, Kab. Wajo, Regency/City of Mamuju.

At several MWT locations, the Executive General Manager, Erwin Dwiyanto, gave directions and carried out checks starting from tanks, pumping wells, and petrol station dispensers, the process of filling gas into LPG cylinders, to checking the extinguishers' reliability for emergencies.

The management team also greets the public filling up at petrol stations and directly observes subsidized fuel purchase transactions using the QR Code. At the end of the MWT, the management team gave Ramadan gifts to petrol station operators and SPBE operators who were at the forefront of serving the fuel and LPG energy to the community.

Sharing Blessings with the Orphanage, Tank Car (AMT) Crews, Petrol Stations, and SPBE Operators Through Safari Ramadhan Activities

The MWT journey of the Pertamina Sulawesi management team at FT Palopo was coupled with the Ramadhan Safari activity. This activity is an annual agenda during Holy month of Ramadan to build familiarity with officers and work partners working in operating units, as well as share blessings with the orphanage.

In his remarks, Executive General Manager, Erwin Dwiyanto, said that Ramadan is a momentum to provide positive energy to the community and orphans to feel happiness in this holy month together. "The smooth running of the company's business is inseparable from the support of stakeholders and the prayers of the orphans," he said.

The activities in this Ramadhan Safari include listening to Ramadhan lectures, iftar together, giving benefits to orphanages, giving Ramadan gifts to tanker crews, petrol station operators, and SPBE operators, as well as Tarawih prayers.

For further information and questions regarding Pertamina's promotional programs and activities during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, check the company's official social media at @ptpertaminapatraniaga, @mypertamina, and contact the 24-hour customer service Pertamima Call Center at 135.**

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