
Cianjur Recovery, Here Are Tips for Maintaining Health for Earthquake Survivors

November 26, 2022 - Today, the Cianjur public health handling carried out by PT Pertamina Bina Medika - Indonesia Healthcare Corporation (Pertamedika IHC), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), has reached 200 residents. Health services to residents' homes and postal services have been provided since Wednesday (23/11).

Based on the Pertamedika IHC medical team’s monitoring, the most common complaints encountered were acute respiratory infections (ARI), headaches, muscle aches, fever, skin inflammation, digestion, migraines, hypertension, injuries, and trauma. The majority of patients are over 45 years old.

Emergency doctor Dr. Thomas Meidiansyah from Pertamina Central Hospital (RSPP) and medical team member revealed that disaster survivors need to increase immunity from within the body by thinking optimistically and fulfilling their basic needs even though they are in an uncomfortable condition. Maintain health by washing hands before eating, fulfilling drinking water needs, and eating simple side dishes to fulfill nutritional and calorie needs.

Dr. Thomas added that generally, three days at the evacuation post coupled with rainy weather and limited clean water, residents are vulnerable to health problems such as ISPA, muscle and joint pain, headaches, diarrhea, and skin diseases.

Moreover, refugees are starting to get stressed and traumatized. Therefore, not only physical treatment is needed, but also mental through trauma healing.

"To get through this condition, the community can carry out positive activities with family, relatives, or friends and accept them patiently. Hence, they can face the current challenges sincerely," he explained.

Dr. Thomas added that education on a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) is also a concern of the Pertamedika IHC medical team in Cianjur at this time because some people are still in refugee camps.

The Pertamedika IHC Medical Team opened health posts at several points in the area, and some of the medical teams made pick-up visits to the neighborhood of residents' houses or shelter posts to carry out health checks.

At the SOE post set in the courtyard of the Al Muhtar Mosque, Limbangsari Village, Cianjur District, the IHC Medical Team found one patient with an injured condition that was not cared for after being hit by a building, the wound was festering and there was a possibility of a fracture in the left ankle. The IHC Medical Team swiftly referred the patient to Sayang Hospital for further examination.

In synergy with other SOEs, the IHC Medical Team also held trauma-healing activities through a psychological approach for children in refugee camps. Through the interactive games presented, the children looked very happy and enthusiastic about participating in these activities. Even during his visit on Friday (25/11), Minister of SOE, Erick Thohir, was present to greet residents and give several gifts to children.

Pertamedika IHC is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) engaged in health services. The company is also the holding company for state-owned hospitals, which currently house 75 hospitals and 143 health clinics throughout Indonesia.**

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