
Cilacap Refinery Wins Gold CSR & PDB Award 2023

Cilacap, February 3, 2023 - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) RU IV Cilacap has successfully won Gold at the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Village Development (PDB) Award 2023. It follows the Cilacap Refinery’s success in fostering an Independent Energy Village in Bondan Hamlet, Ujung Alang Village, Kampung Laut District, Cilacap.

The 2023 CSR & PDB Award was handed over by the Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Abdul Halim Iskandar, to CSR & SMEPP RU IV Officer, Aditya Anung DN, at Agro Beach Resort, Tanjung Pinang, Riau, Wednesday (1/2/2023).

Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR of PT KPI RU IV Cilacap, Cecep Supriyatna, stated that this award was a great start to open 2023. “Thank God, this becomes the opening award in 2023, and it is hoped that the following awards will follow. The Independent Energy Village Program in Bondan Hamlet that we foster yet again become the mainstay of this success,"” he said.

Cecep further explained the Independent Energy Village program entitled Energy Independent Solar Wind Power (E Mas Bayu) & Independent Energy for Fish Ponds (E Mbak Mina) was motivated by Bondan Hamlet's condition, which did not have access to electricity and clean water. “We then developed a Hybrid Power Plant (PLTH) which combines wind and sun’s potential to be utilized as the energy source for lighting more than 80 households,” he explained.

It was revealed that this program continues to develop with other productive activities, such as the Community-Based Desalination System (Sidesi Mas) with a capacity of 240 liters/hour, a solution for clean water suitable for consumption. "There is also the Mandiriku Community program through the Biofilter Polyculture Pond (Mas Kuter) and upgrading the E-Mas Bayu PLTH industrial line with a total capacity of 16,200 Watt Peak," said Cecep.

Furthermore, this program also gave rise to Local Heroes, namely Jamaludin, who played the manager role of the Mas Kuter pond and the Berdikari Energy Village organizer in Central Java, and Aep as the Sidesi manager. “We are pleased because this program is perceived by the community at large and is continuing to be sustainable. Awards are not the main goal, but as a trigger for our enthusiasm to continue to do our best," conveyed Cecep.**

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