
Commission VII DPR Appreciates Pertamina's Efforts to Guarantee the Fuel and LPG Distribution in Sumbagut during Ramadan

Medan, 7 April 2022 – Mulyono, Director of Logistics & Infrastructure of Pertamina, with Commission VII DPR RI and Erika Retnowati, Head of Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), conducted a review of fuel, gas, and electricity distribution ahead of Eid al-Fitr 2022 in the city of Medan, North Sumatra. In the review, Commission VII of the DPR RI appreciated Pertamina's efforts to ensure the security and sufficient energy distribution during Ramadan and ahead of this year's Idul Fitri in the North Sumatra Region (Sumbagut).

The review in the context of Commission VII DPR RI Special Work Visit was led directly by Member of Commission VII Ramson Siagian, located at the Multipurpose Building PT Pertamina (Persero) Marketing Operation Region I, Medan City, North Sumatra (7/4/2022). Harsono Budi Santoso, Director of Business Planning and Development of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Sub Holding Commercial & Trading, and Putut Ardianto, Executive GM of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut attended the activity.

"This visit is to see how prepared Pertamina Sumbagut is in facing Eid, and thank God the management had conveyed the details of the preparation, and it was very good. The response is also good,” Mulyono said.

Meanwhile, Ramson Siagian said that the Commission VII specific work visit was routinely carried out to supervise the readiness of fuel, gas, and electricity distribution as well as the electricity supply availability in facing the month of Ramadan and ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 1434 Hijriah, especially in the Sumbagut Region. Ramson appreciated Pertamina's effort in preparing the fuel and LPG stock and distribution.

"Pertamina's preparations during Ramadan and Eid are quite good and effective to prevent shortages or queues, especially for diesel fuel consumers. Currently, diesel fuel availability is sufficient, and the support team is backing up the distribution system to distribute fuel, " Ramson said.

Ramson added that there was indeed a consumer shift from Pertamax to Pertalite. However, Pertalite stock is sufficient, and there is no need to doubt it. "So in Ramadan and ahead of this holiday, Pertamina has prepared steps that we see are quite logical," he said.

Putut Ardianto, the Executive GM of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut, said there is a potential increase in fuel and LPG consumption for this Ramadan. For gasoline, Putut stated that it is predicted to increase 10 percent compared to the same condition last year. Meanwhile, LPG demand is estimated to increase by around 3.8 percent compared to normal conditions.

“This increase is due to the high mobility of goods and people. Many people return to their hometown and do cooking activities," he said.

Pertamina is trying its best in preparing strategies and backup plans in dealing with and anticipating all problems related to fuel and gas availability in the face of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1443 H. For the Sumbagut Region itself, Pertamina has prepared as many as 616 LPG PSO Agents, 150 LPG NPSO Agents, 32,582 LPG Bases PSO, and 7,679 LPG Base NPSO.

Pertamina has also prepared additional services, including Pertamina Siaga, Pertashop, Motoris to Kantong BBM. Specifically for the readiness for distribution of fuel & LPG for the Sumbagut Region, Pertamina has prepared 16 Fuel Terminals (BBM), 3 Integrated Terminals (fuel and LPG), and 1 LPG Terminal.

For the fuel transportation mode, Pertamina provides 891 units of taxis with a total capacity of 13,748 KL, 30 units of Bridger Avtur with a total capacity of 622 KL, 254 units of LPG carrier cars (skid tanks), and 32 units of dispenser tank cars. In addition, a support fleet is also provided, namely 109 MT Spot Charter units, 31 additional MT- and 143 AMT assistance.

"The various efforts made are expected to ensure that fuel and LPG availability and distribution runs safely and smoothly," Putut Ardianto said.**

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