
Commitment to Implement ESG, Pertamina Gas Subholding Continues to Reduce Carbon Emissions, Save Energy, & Waste Management

Jakarta, April 28, 2022 – Pertamina's Gas Subholding, PT PGN Tbk, is committed to managing and reducing carbon emissions or the effect of Greenhouse Gases (GHG). It is indicated by reducing energy utilization, reducing carbon emissions, and managing waste in the company's operational activities.

Overall, PGN has made efforts to save energy, and it is running quite effectively. It can be seen from the total reduction in energy consumption during 2020, amounted to 24,191.43 GJ. Following energy-saving efforts, PGN had reduced 76,303.35 tons of CO2eq emissions in 2020.

The performance report summarized in the 2021 Sustainability Report was rewarded with the 2022 Corporate Emissions Transparency Award (TEK 2022), organized by Berita Satu Media Holding and Bumi Global Karbon Foundation.

PGN won the Green title for the Issuer category for its real contribution in managing and reducing carbon or Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and was received virtually by HSSE Group Head of PGN, Santiadji Gunawan, on Friday, (22/04/2022).

"As Pertamina Gas Subholding, PGN realizes the company's important role in supporting government programs to reduce carbon emissions. Natural gas is also environmentally friendly fossil energy that has an important role as an energy solution in the current energy transition period," said Director of Sales and Operations of PGN, Faris Aziz (25/04/2022).

PGN also succeeded in managing waste by reducing waste from its source (reduction at source). It means that PGN seeks to reduce the amount of waste through planning to minimize the impact of waste disposal.

In 2020, PGN reduced B3 waste by 3%, namely 13,404532 tons, a decrease from the previous year's 13,760261 tons.

The Green Degree is assessed based on calculations and emission reductions achievement that cover three scopes. Scope 1 includes direct emissions such as fuel, scope 2 includes indirect emissions such as electricity, and scope 3 includes indirect emissions such as logistics, air travel, and supplier emissions.

The basis for the assessment is obtained from the sustainability report (SR) or the company's 2020 sustainability report published in 2021. The data taken is the company's emissions calculation consisting of scope 1, 2, 3, and emissions disclosed by the company calculation.

“We are aware that our operational activities, which are the utilization of natural resources, are in direct contact with nature. Therefore, we are committed to preserving the environment. The strategic plan for environmental management is prepared in the Environmental Transformation Roadmap as a basic reference in achieving business goals," said Faris.

The Director of Berita Satu Media Holdings, Primus Dorimulu, explained that the 2022 TEK Award is an appreciation for corporations that are considered transparent in reducing carbon or GHG emissions.

In recent years, world leaders have rolled out policies to reduce emissions, encourage green investment, tackle climate change, promote justice, and promote sustainable change.

“The most recent issue is the implementation of ESG. Corporations that do not implement ESG or do not pay attention to ESG will be discarded of the competition," said Primus.

"Hopefully, with this award, we will continue to be motivated in expanding natural gas services and continue the company's ESG and SDGs commitments in the future," stated Faris.**

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