
Committed to Distributing Energy to Remote Areas, Pertamina Currently Operates 56 One-Price Fuel Points in Jatimbalinus

Surabaya, June 3, 2022 – PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sub Holding Commercial & Trading Pertamina, as a business entity that carries out the One Price Fuel Oil (BBM) program assignment, recorded 328 channeling institutions spread throughout Indonesian territory in the third week of March 2022.

As for the distribution, 63 One Price Fuel distribution agencies are in Papua, 56 points in East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara, 48 points in Maluku, 32 points in Sulawesi, 71 points in Kalimantan, 53 points in Sumatera, and 5 points in Java and Bali Island.

Specifically, in East Java, Bali, NTB, and NTT, there are 56 one-price fuel points that have been operating and distributing energy to the surrounding community. Executive General Manager of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga in the Jatimbalinus Region, Deny Djukardi, said that the increasing number of One Price Fuel distributors is a sign of Pertamina Patra Niaga's commitment to realizing equitable energy for the people of Indonesia.

"We will continue to ensure fuel supplies distribution and availability to the One-Price Fuel petrol stations (Public Fuel Filling Stations) run smoothly, on time, in the right quantity, and quality. Thus, people can get access to fuel at an affordable price and encourage the economy in the 3T area,” said Deny.

Since 2017, One Price Fuel policy implementation has focused on the frontier, outermost, and disadvantaged (3T) regions. Previously, this 3T area was an area that had no energy access at all. Therefore, to reach the 3T point, Pertamina Patra Niaga distributes it through land, sea, and air transportation modes, as well as cooperating with various parties.

However, Deny said, in carrying out the mandate from the government through the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), Pertamina Patra Niaga also faced considerable challenges in the fuel distribution process to the 3T area.

“One Price Fuel distribution is carried out between islands throughout Indonesia. To reach the 3T point, it is common to pass through quite difficult terrain, such as mountains and rivers. Therefore, in the process, it can go through several replacement modes of transportation, such as tankers on land, ships, and airplanes. Plus, the team needed to fight against the weather conditions and high rainfall. Despite these challenges, we are committed to carrying out this mandate," said Deny.

Pertamina is also cooperating with partners interested in opening One-Price Fuel petrol stations to bring Indonesia forward through energy distribution to remote areas of the country in predetermined locations. Further information can be checked on the https://kemitraan.pertamina.com/ page or by contacting Pertamina Call Center 135.**

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