
Continue to Develop Potential, Pertamina Assisted CSR Group Holds Chicken Cultivation Training

Balikpapan, October 12, 2022 – Karang Joang area is one of the potential areas for livestock cultivation and farming. Through PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Balikpapan Unit, Pertamina presents a CSR program in the area through the Petratonik (Integrated Chicken Farming for Black Soldier Fly and Organic Vegetables) Program.

The group, initiated by mostly housewives, has a routine of raising livestock and farming everyday. Apart from growing organic vegetables, the Petratonik group also has chicken and catfish farms which are currently running. To increase understanding related to chicken cultivation, Pertamina conducts Chicken Cultivation Training (Wednesday, 05/10).

Chicken farming is a sub-group activity integrated with the BSF, catfish, and organic vegetable cultivation. The group used BSF as an alternative feed for chicken and catfish feed. BSF itself is known as a protein-rich animal. BSF can be used as additional nutrition for chicken growth.

This training presented chicken cultivation practitioners from North Penajam Paser District, Dali. Dali has been raising native chickens since 2008. He is well-known for processing free-range chickens in Rintik Babulu Village using organic feed obtained from leaves.

This retired civil servant teacher at SMK 5 Samarinda chose raising native chickens' business paths with organic feed to reduce production costs. It is proven that as long as he raises free-range chickens with organic leafy feed, the results can be ten times bigger than using the conventional feed. Moreover, he also makes natural vaccines for chickens using herbal ingredients from his plantation. The herbs used by Dali include ginger, turmeric, chili, lemongrass, and onions.

"The selection of quality chicken candidates has the potential to support success in the chicken farming business. The group also needs to pay attention to chicken feed," said Dali.

He also said that proper feeding is one of the keys to chicken farming success because high-quality feed makes chickens grow excellently. "This has an important role in determining livestock yields," he said.

The group's problem so far is regarding the feed price, which continues to increase and makes expenditure swell. Groups can take advantage of feed with BSF and other additional nutrients, such as giving mollusks brown sugar, white sugar, coconut water, and MSG, as well as feeding green plants around the environment.

"For me, raising livestock must also have knowledge and education. Thus, the livestock will generate superior chickens," said Dali.

Met on different occasions, Area Manager of Communication, Relations & CSR of KPI Balikpapan Unit, Ely Chandra Peranginangin, said that the training carried out by the company was aimed at increasing group capacity.

“This training is one of a series of previous training in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture regarding organic vegetables. In addition to maximizing the integration of BSF cultivation with chicken and catfish, this training in chicken cultivation is expected to increase the readiness of the petratonik group to become an independent CSR target group and can be a mainstay in fulfilling each household's minimum basic needs," he concluded.**

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