
Continue to Increase Productivity, Pertamina's Contribution for the State Reaches Rp110.6 Trillion For First Semester of 2021

Jakarta, September 1, 2021 - PT Pertamina (Persero)'s efforts to increase productivity recorded positive achievements, both in terms of financial performance, which achieved net profit, and contribution to state revenues.

Until Semester 1 of 2021, Pertamina was able to increase its contribution through deposits to state revenues with a total of IDR110.6 trillion, of which IDR 70.7 trillion was from taxes, Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP), and dividends, which increased by almost 10 percent from the same period last year. While the remaining IDR 39.9 trillion is Pertamina's payment to the State through Crude Oil and State Shares of Condensate (MMKBN).

This figure is the value of Pertamina's contribution in the last six months, whereas Pertamina previously had deposited almost IDR 200 trillion throughout 2020. This contribution to state finances increases from year to year in line with Pertamina's increase in productivity.

"Apart from Pertamina's contribution, which directly impacts the state's finances, Pertamina also dedicates itself to supporting various government programs, especially related to the acceleration of handling Covid-19. We have contributed trillions to help the community during the pandemic, in terms of health and guidance for MSMEs," said Fajriyah Usman, Acting Senior Vice President Corporate Communications and Investor Relations of Pertamina in Jakarta (31/8).

Through the construction of 3 Emergency Modular Hospitals (Patra Comfort, Simprug, and Tanjung Duren) and the operation of the Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory Extension Hospital, Indonesia has succeeded in adding nearly 1,000 treatment beds. This figure does not include the Covid referral hospital operation by Pertamina Bina Medika spread throughout Indonesia. There are also 315 ventilators for 30 hospitals assistance and acceleration of more than 5,000 tons of medical oxygen distribution to 504 hospitals spread across 11 provinces.

"To help restore the community's economy, Pertamina also runs an empowerment program for more than 13,000 MSMEs affected by the pandemic so that they can survive amid the pandemic and even upgrade to Go Global," explained Fajriyah.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic, now in its second year, continues to place a strain on financial performance, Pertamina's increased productivity can still be seen in its net profit for semester 1 - 2021, which was USD 183 million.

"All of Pertamina's achievements are inseparable from the results and benefits of a restructuring that was carried out solidly by the Board of Directors and Subholding management so that it went smoothly where the legal end states for several Subholdings had been achieved and in the process of completing all stages," said Fajriyah.

She stated that this was also in line with the direction of the President Commissioner of Pertamina and the Board of Commissioners, who consistently ensured that Pertamina carried out various innovations to encourage increased productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency in every operational process from upstream to downstream.

As part of SOEs, continued Fajriyah, Pertamina must carry out the noble task of driving the national economy by continuing to run all company business operations and prioritizing domestic products. It is seen from the average Domestic Component Level (TKDN) of Pertamina, which reaches more than 57%, well above the 30% target. Thus, Pertamina can maintain the survival of 1.2 million direct workers, and create a multiplier effect on around 20 million workers indirectly.

Pertamina's role in the national economy is also in line with the role of SOE as a development locomotive. According to the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, a third of Indonesia's economy is driven by SOEs. The contribution of SOEs to the state over the last ten years has reached a fantastic figure of IDR 3,290 trillion.

"Not only do we give dividends to the state for the welfare of the people, but we also do public services. SOEs' CSR continues to run during this COVID-19 pandemic," said the SOE Minister when welcoming new Pertamina Hulu Rokan workers a few weeks ago.**

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