
Continuing to Develop Market, Pertamina Exports 992 thousand Barrel LSFO Products

Balikpapan, April 8, 2022 - Pertamina through PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Balikpapan Unit continues to develop its capabilities in producing world-class products. One of them is producing V-1250 LSFO (Low Sulfur Fuel Oil) fuel. LSFO V-1250 is a ship fuel with low sulfur content. These products are exported abroad.

"The LSFO product is an environmentally friendly fuel product," said Ely Chandra Peranginangin, Area Manager of Communication, Relations & CSR of the KPI Balikpapan Unit. (Thursday, 07/04).

Sulfur utillization from ship fuel emissions has impacted health and environmental sustainability. For this reason, according to Chandra, Pertamina also participates in reducing arising pollution from the utilization of ship fuel by producing LSFO fuel.

"Market acceptance of this product is also fairly decent. From January to March 2022, the KPI Balikpapan Unit has exported around 992 thousand barrels of LSFO with five cargo shipments," explained Chandra.

The destination countries for cargo shipments include Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. "The acceptance of foreign markets for products produced by Pertamina's refineries is one proof that our products have international standards. This is something that Pertamina will continue to develop," said Chandra.

This product has an advantage for Pertamina because it comes from the residue fraction, but with processing, it can become a high selling value product, namely ship fuel.

The refinery business in the future will be more challenging. "The plan is that Pertamina will make deliveries every month. By continuing to produce quality products and according to consumer needs, Pertamina certainly hopes that the Balikpapan Unit refinery will continue to grow into a competitive refinery," Chandra stated.**

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