
Continuing to Support Covid 19 Recovery, Pertamina Campaigns the Plasma Donor Worker Movement

Jakarta, January 30, 2021 - PT Pertamina (Persero) continues to carry out its commitment to play an active role in supporting the government in handling the impact of Covid 19 by encouraging and facilitating Pertamina employees and their families to participate in joint actions with Convalescent Plasma Donors, following the theme of its movement, From Survivor to Savior – Dari Penyintas menjadi Penyelamat, from Pertamina for Indonesia.

This convalescent plasma donor joint of workers who survived Covid 19 was held simultaneously in Jakarta, Medan, Plaju, Cilacap, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Balikpapan, and Makassar on Friday (29/01).

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communication & Investor Relations, Agus Suprijanto explained that there had been more than 100 Pertamina employees at the head office, operating units and subsidiaries who have become donors and are registered as potential donors of Convalescent Plasma donors.

This number, added Agus, is expected to increase with a massive educational campaign. This movement will continue in the future, not only for Pertamina employees but also for spreading to the broader community.

One of the donor workers, Ade Barkah, seemed very enthusiastic. After he finished donating his blood plasma at the Pertamina Head Office in Jakarta, he invited workers, families, and the wider community to support this movement.

"To people throughout Indonesia who have recovered from Covid 19, let's donate blood plasma to support other patients who are in the healing process," concluded Ade.

On the same occasion, Pertamina also handed over facilities assistance to the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) in the form of 2 (two) units of apheresis tools used for Convalescent Plasma donor activities.

The Chairman of PMI DKI Jakarta, Rustam Effendi, expressed his gratitude to Pertamina's management and employees who have carried out donors and provided assistance for Convalescent plasma collection tools.

"Pertamina and PMI, especially PMI DKI Jakarta, have established quite close cooperation. During the pandemic, the blood donation program is still routine and is currently equipped with Convalescent Plasma donors. We hope that this cooperation will continue in the future to help people in need," he said.

In addition to Convalescent Plasma donors, Pertamina is also at the forefront of preparing health facilities, through the transfer of functions of several assets to safe houses and special covid 19 emergency hospitals with a capacity of nearly 500 beds.

"Pertamina also provides support with various assistance for medical personnel and the community with a contribution of more than IDR 1 trillion," Agus concluded.**

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