
Creates an Organic Fertilizer Formula, this Pertamina’s Fostered Partner Klinik Tani Succeed in Improving Agricultural Land’s Quality in NTB

Jakarta, March 27, 2021 – Through Partnership Program, PT Pertamina (Persero) fosters almost all Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) sectors, one of which is the agricultural sector. Until the end of January 2021, Pertamina has assisted more than 8 thousand MSEs in the agricultural sector. These MSEs are assisted intensively with several programs so that they become upgraded MSEs.

One of the fostered partners in this field is Amrullah Fiqri. He is the owner of Klik Tani MSE which is located in TGH. M. Amin Ismail Street, Suryawangi, Labuhan Haji, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara who has a strong determination to develop the potential of agriculture in his hometown.

“In 2016, after finishing my master’s degree in Malang, I returned to NTB to serve my hometown. After exploring the environment, I found critical land productivity. Therefore, I gathered several agricultural bachelors to form teamwork. We piloted chili cultivation by providing all the ingredients,” said Fiqri.

Finally, his main goal was achieved. The quality of agricultural land in his hometown is getting better. Especially after Fiqri used organic fertilizer, a product from a formula made by him and his colleagues in Klinik Tani. “Difficulties of obtaining agricultural products in our area has also been resolved because Klinik Tani produced them in quite a lot of volume,” he added.

Before becoming Pertamina’s fostered partner, he was able to produce 1000 sacks of organic fertilizer per month. After becoming Pertamina’s fostered partner, he can produce 3 times more to 3 thousand sacks per month. “This also has an impact on my turnover that increases 100% to around IDR 20 million per month,” stated the alumnus of Universitas Brawijaya.

The development of his business affects the number of jobs that are provided. Until now, there are 8 local residents that he recruited as his employees. This is part of the implementation of SDGs point 8 which is providing decent work and supporting economic growth. This is also an implementation of ESG in the social sector.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communication & Investor Relation of Pertamina, Agus Suprijanto, appreciated the business action that Amrullah Fiqri took. According to him, the enthusiasm and determination to develop the potential of his hometown should be followed by people. “Pertamina’s Partnership Program will fully support the efforts of similar potentials with coaching and mentoring so that MSEs can upgrade,” he said.

According to Agus, through this Partnership Program, Pertamina wants to be able to constantly provide energy that drives the economy. The energy that becomes fuel, as well as the energy that generates sustainable growth. “Pertamina will support Indonesia’s MSEs to be more independent with the intensive assistance that we provide so that these MSEs are able to upgrade themselves,” he concluded.**

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