
Dexlite Consumption in Aceh Soars

BANDA ACEH - PT Pertamina (Persero) recorded a jump in consumption of Dexlite Fuel in Aceh region. Since June 2016, fuel consumption continues to increase.

This was taken from the average consumption data of Dexlite distribution in 2016 which is 10 kl per day and increased 450% in the current year in 2017 reaching 55 kl per day.

Rudi Ariffianto Area Manager Communication and Relations Sumbagut said that the community's awareness of the benefits of using quality fuel made quality Special Fuel (BBK) consumption such as Dexlite increased dramatically.

"Thank you and our appreciation for consumers because Dexlite in Aceh has received a positive response. Dexlite product has become an alternative for consumers who want a variety of a quality and environmentally friendly diesel fuel," said Rudi.

Dexlite is only available in 15 gas stations located in Aceh, including Banda Aceh, Meulaboh, Lokseumawe and Aceh Timur with supply areas of TBBM Medan Group. Currently, Dexlite outlets have reached 47 gas stations and will continue to grow in line with the increase in Dexlite users.

Dexlite with cetane number 51 and maximum sulfur content of 1,200 ppm has the advantage of a more powerful engine and more environmentally friendly with low emissions.

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