
Digitalization Technology, Pertamina's Efforts to Ensure Fuel and LPG Are on Target

Jakarta, June 23, 2022 - The large number of subsidies given by the Government for fuel and LPG encourages Pertamina to continue ensuring that subsidized fuel and LPG distribution are right on target and there is no abuse in the distribution chain from fuel terminals to petrol stations. Various efforts have been made, including tightening supervision at petrol stations by implementing a digitalization system and installing CCTV on each pump island, and carry out special coordination with law enforcement officials.

On the distribution side, Pertamina has also implemented GPS monitoring of Tank Trucks, especially those transporting subsidized fuel, notably Diesel type, to anticipate the potential for tank cars to stop on unnatural routes. Arrangements for fuel distribution to petrol stations are also made to support efforts to open operational hours simultaneously. 

"All subsidized fuel and LPG distribution processes are monitored closely through a digital system centralized at Pertamina's command center or known as Pertamina Integrated Enterprise Data and Center Command (PIEDCC)," said Heppy Wulansari, Acting Vice President of Pertamina Corporate Communications. 

The advancement of PIEDCC is undeniable. A digital-based technology innovation that presents data in real-time and will support Pertamina's strategic role as an integrator of all business lines from operational and commercial aspects. 

This advanced technology plays an important role in monitoring Pertamina's business processes from upstream to downstream, including energy distribution throughout the country. Everything has been run digitally, centered at the Pertamina office in Central Jakarta. 

PIEDCC, according to Heppy, is one of Pertamina's innovations to become a world-class energy company.

“PIEDCC is a form of Pertamina's adaptation to global challenges, all of which have shifted to the digital era. With digitalization, Pertamina can implement a comprehensive strategy while providing efficiency," said Heppy. 

PIEDCC, continued Heppy, has a performance dashboard for all subholdings, starting from Upstream, Gas, Refinery & Petrochemical, Integrated Marine Logistics, and Commercial & Trading to support energy security in Indonesia.

On the distribution side of fuel and LPG, the dashboard provides information on fuel stock availability up to the terminal, depot, and petrol station levels, including the sales process and service to customers.

"If there is a potential fuel shortage at Pertamina petrol stations, it can be handled quickly, including detecting anomalous transactions for subsidized products at petrol stations," added Heppy.

Pertamina, continued Heppy, will continue to improve supervision so subsidized fuel distribution is on target for those who are entitled. The public can also participate in informing the Pertamina 135 Call Center if they find fuel or subsidized LPG misuse or misappropriation indications in the field.**

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