
Directors of Pertamina Revisit Plumpang Incident Victims

Jakarta, March 6, 2023 - Pertamina continues to closely monitor the incidents handling at the Plumpang Fuel Terminal, North Jakarta, including medical treatment for affected residents.

After the incident, the Directors of Pertamina took turns visiting injured residents at the Pertamina Pusat Hospital (RSPP) and Pertamina Jaya Hospital (RSPJ) to ensure that residents received the best service.

After the President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, with the Deputy Minister I of SOE, Pahala N Mansury, on Saturday (4/3), visited the patients at the RSPP, on Sunday (5/3), the Director of Finance of Pertamina, Emma Sri Martini, with the Acting Governor of Banten, Al Muktabar also visited injured patients from affected residents at the RSPP. The visit was also made by the Director of Strategy, Portfolio and Business Development (SPPU), Atep Salyadi Dariah Saputra, and the Director of HR, M. Erry Sugiharto to RSPJ.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina (Persero), Fadjar Djoko Santoso, said that Pertamina continues to monitor the handling of victims affected by the Plumpang incident by visiting them directly at the hospital.

"Currently, Pertamina is focused on providing treatment to the affected residents, especially victims who are injured and are being treated at the hospital," he said.

According to Fadjar, Pertamina wants to ensure that the affected residents at the hospital receive the best service and treatment so they can recover.**

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