
DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Supports Targeted Fuel Subsidies

Jakarta, July 29, 2022 - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Subholding Commercial & Trading PT Pertamina (Persero) through the West Java Region, conducted socialization and education with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities on Targeted Fuel Subsidies with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government 27/7 at the Grand Tjokro Hotel, Jakarta.

The FGD activity was attended by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov), including representatives from the Mayor and Regent in the DKI Jakarta Administration area, Heads of Agency and Heads of Service within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Heads of Manpower Sub-Departments, as well as Transmigration and Energy throughout the DKI Jakarta Province. Present at the FGD were representatives of PT Transport Jakarta and PT Jakarta Propertindo. The event was also attended by the Head of Organda Jabotabek and the Head of Hiswana Migas DKI Jakarta.

The Head of the Manpower, Transmigration, and Energy Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, Andri Yansyah, greatly appreciated the targeted subsidy socialization program. According to him, government programs through Pertamina can be right on target with accurate data.

He also said, “The success of a program or activity if the activity is well socialized and implemented on target. The indicator is that the supporting data must be accurate to reach the right suggestion.

Currently, there are still consumers ineligible to use and consume Pertalite and Solar. If this is not regulated, it will potentially cause the quota set for one year to be insufficient or not on target.

The participants were enthusiastic during the question and answer session after the materials were presented by Gustiar Widodo, Sales Area Manager for Retail for the Jakarta, Bogor and Depok (Jabode). Participants are invited to collectively register a vehicle through  subsiditepat.mypertamina.id and the MyPertamina application.

Region Manager Retail Sales for West Java, Pierre Janitza Wauran, representing the Executive General Manager of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional West Java, expressed his gratitude and highest appreciation to the invited guests, for the cooperation, synergy, and collaboration, during the fuel distribution supervising and monitoring, especially in the DKI Jakarta area.

"With the high disparity in fuel prices, the limited subsidized fuel quota, including the potential for over-quota, and the emergence of subsidized fuel misuse cases, we need to increase supervision over the subsidized fuel distribution to make it more targeted. One of the efforts is the Subsidi Tepat MyPertamina Program," Pierre said.

The Subsidi Tepat MyPertamina Program is hoped to identify users so subsidized fuel distribution can be carried out integrately through a digitalization system at petrol stations. Thus, the subsidized fuel distribution can be monitored easily, more accurately, and on target.

This program is expected to provide benefits to the Regional Government in increasing regional income to fulfill the TNKB and KIR tax obligations and increasing PBBKB from Non-Subsidized Fuel sales. In addition, the reducing number of ineligible buyers can help maintain the limited subsidized fuel distribution quota to the community and contribute to conserving the state subsidies burden.

Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional West Java, Eko Kristiawan, said this program will provide certainty for entiteled consumers to get subsidized fuel and educate the public about the provisions for distributing subsidized fuel.

"We also expect support and assistance related to socialization and education in the implementation of the MyPertamina Precise Subsidy Program," Eko added.

For further information regarding the distribution mechanism of Pertalite and Solar subsidies using the MyPertamina system, contact Pertamina Call Center at 135 and the official social media @ptpertaminapatraniaga and @mypertamina.**

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