
Encouraging Go Green, Solar Power Plant in Petrol Station Reaches 99 Points

Jakarta, November 19, 2021 – Pertamina NRE has expanded Solar Power Plants supplies at petrol stations to a total of 99 points. Pertamina NRE accelerates to support Pertamina's internally focused energy transition.

At the beginning of last September, Solar Power Plants in petrol stations had reached 76 points. Pertamina added 23 new points. Therefore, there are currently 99 points in total. The 99 petrol stations are COCO (company own company operate) petrol stations in North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Bengkulu, South Sumatra, Greater Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, East Kalimantan, and West Kalimantan.

Solar Power Plants at petrol stations are part of the Green Energy Station (GES) program. GES is a new concept for Pertamina petrol stations where it will provide integrated services to support a more environmentally friendly lifestyle for consumers.

"Pertamina NRE aggressively oversees the energy transition focused on Pertamina's own yard. Namely, core processes in operational areas, offices, supporting facilities, and Pertamina petrol stations. Our target is to install Solar Power Plants at 5,000 Pertamina gas stations," said Dicky Septriadi, Corporate Secretary of Pertamina NRE.

The total installed capacity at the 99 Solar Power Plants in petrol stations reaches 668 KWp. The Solar Power Plants installed are Rooftop solar panels with an on-grid system. By targeting 5,000 solar power plants installed in petrol stations, the total potential installed capacity will reach 31 MWp with the potential to reduce carbon emissions by 34 thousand tons per year, or equivalent to CO2 absorbed by 1.6 million mature trees.

The use of Solar Power Plants at petrol stations has become a global trend. For example, in India, solar power plants have been installed at petrol stations with a total capacity of 270 MWp. Its government targets 50 percent of all petrol stations to install solar power plants in four years. With this trend, it is time for petrol stations in Indonesia to start moving towards an environmentally friendly concept. With the issuance of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation number 26 of 2021, the use of Rooftop Solar Power Plants is increasingly attractive to investors.

Pertamina has the ambition to become a global energy company that is environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and has good governance. For this reason, Pertamina is committed to integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects in its business activities.**

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