
Photo Caption: Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi together with Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir accompanied by President Director of Pertamina Nicke Widyawati symbolically refilling Pertamax fuel into two-wheeled vehicles belonging to residents during a review of Pertashop 4P.58304 in Kapuan, Cepu, Blora, Central Java on Sunday (22/8/2021).

Encouraging High-Quality Energy for the Community, Minister of SOEs and Minister of Transportation Visit Pertashop in Cepu, Blora Regency

Blora, August 22, 2021 – Pertamina continues to providing quality energy evenly throughout the country. This commitment is realized through Pertashop, a distributor of fuel, LPG, and other Pertamina products, which is official and present on a small scale, especially for rural communities where petrol stations are not available.

Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, and Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, accompanied by President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati, visited Pertashop in Kapuan Village, Cepu District, Blora Regency during a working visit on Sunday (22/8).

Pertashop Kapuan No. 4P.58304, located about 200 meters from Ngloram Airport, is the first Pertashop operating in Blora. The outlet can distribute 400 liters per day for residents who generally work as farmers and traders in Kapuan Village.

Erick Thohir emphasized that Pertamina's target of Pertashop development in the next three years is 10 thousand. To facilitate this achievement, Pertamina cooperates with Islamic Boarding Schools and Regional Entrepreneurs.

"We are building a balanced economy. With these 10 thousand Pertashops, each with three workers, it means that there are 30 thousand workers involved directly, said Erick.

Hariono, the Head of Kapuan Village, welcomed Pertashop's presence. "Since the existence of this Pertashop, the residents in our village have felt helped. Previously, to fill the fuel, the distance was 5-7 KM. Now, it is not far away," he said.

Acting Senior Vice President of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, said that t at least 2,901 Pertashops are spread throughout Indonesia already and ready to operate to deliver energy.

In the Central Java Region, there are already 443 Pertashops located in Central Java Province and the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).

According to her, the presence of Pertashop, which is closer to the community, can help improve the economic level of the community.

"People in rural areas whose professions are mostly farmers, fishermen, traders, and others now do not need to travel far outside the village to fill up fuel at petrol stations. It is because the quality and price of fuel presented at Pertashop is guaranteed to be equivalent to gas stations," she said.

Fajriyah added, Pertamina has carried out the One Village One Outlet (OVOO) program, in which every village or sub-district will have at least one fuel and LPG distributor.

"We have opened investment opportunities for entrepreneurs to manage mini gas stations or Pertashop, which of course have a lower investment value than regular gas stations, and the business is promising," said Fajriyah.

Furthermore, the main requirements are business entities such as CV, PT, Cooperatives, Trade Businesses (UD), and Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). For requirements and a complete explanation, see the link ptm.id/MitraPertashop.**

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