
Energy, Sustainability & Climate B20 Task Force Takes Real Actions to Install PLTS for Rural Residents

Jakarta, March 24, 2022 – Energy, Sustainability and Climate (ESC) B20 Task Force took concrete action through the collaboration of Pertamina with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Society of Renewable Energy (SRE) in the Go Gerilya Program (Solar Power Initiative Movement) by installing a Power Plant Surya (PLTS) in 10 villages assisted by Pertamina.

One of the ESC B20 Task Force Advisors, Dannif Danusaputro, who is also the President Director of Pertamina Power & NRE Subholding, stated that this collaboration is part of efforts to accelerate the new and renewable energy spread that is decentralized while increasing energy security and economic prosperity of rural communities.

"As part of the B20, Pertamina fully supports and is committed to actively participating in working group activities. It includes  the Climate Sustainability Working Group (CSWG), led by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and the Energy Transitions Working Group (ETWG), led by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources," said Dannif.

Dannif invites all parties to make the G20 and B20 presidencies a moment of change. Pertamina also has a strong commitment to continue collaboration with the government and other parties by inviting communities and villages with limited energy access to learn about local energy potential, especially in the new and renewable energy aspect.

Dannif added, “The PLTS installation in rural areas is a real step of the ESC Task Force in implementing the energy transition acceleration and supporting the government's target for Net Zero Emission," said Dannif, on the EDM-CSWG KLHK events at Balkondes Karangrejo Magelang, Thursday, March 24, 2022.

This program is also part of Pertamina's ESG commitment in line with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly point 7, namely Clean & Affordable Energy, and point 13 for Handling Climate Change.

Director-General of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control (PPKL) KLHK, Sigit Reliantoro, as the G20 Environment Deputies Meeting and Climate Sustainability Working Group (EDMCSWG) Co-Chair, appreciates Pertamina and those replicating, restoring the environment, and increasing people's income by utilizing new and renewable energy. 

"I am optimistic that if the government, business, and society move together, we can overcome the global problem of climate change," said Sigit.

Balkondes Karangrejo is a pilot project for the PLTS utilization, which produces 1.2 KWP and contributes to 1,320 tons of CO2 reduction per year. Overall, the installation of 10 PLTS on Go Gerilya produces 50 KWP and has the potential to reduce carbon emissions by 65 thousand tons per year. The installed PLTS is utilized for lighting, cooking, and water pumping.

Founder of SRE, Zagy Berian, explained that SRE is a youth organization engaged in the energy and environment sector that has the vision to accelerate the energy transition in Indonesia.

"We strongly support the implementation of the G20 in Indonesia. We also follow the ESC Task Force because we have the vision to accelerate the energy transition in Indonesia to realize net-zero emissions," said Zagy.

Zagy added that from the target of 10 PLTS, currently, 2 PLTS have been installed at the Balkondes Waringin and Balkondes Karangrejo, Magelang. He hopes that this innovation can continue to be duplicated in a wider area of Indonesia.

Pertamina's collaboration with various parties is part of the ESC Task Force's business action in supporting innovation for start-ups and technological research carried out by universities and other research institutions.**

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