
Ensure Smooth Energy Distribution, Pertamina's President Commissioner Directly Observes Operational Activities in the Belitung Region

Belitung, May 31, 2022 - To carry out supervisory duties and responsibilities, the President Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero), Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, with several members of the Board of Commissioners, consisting of Sobri Efendy and Eddy Fritz Sinaga, visited several points of the company's operations in Belitung area to ensure the smooth distribution of fuel and LPG, as well as all operations and services to the community, Monday (30/5).

During the visit, the Board of Commissioners directly observed to ensure that petrol stations with TBBM Tanjung Pandan digitalization integration run optimally.

In his direction, President Commissioner of Pertamina, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, revealed that the digitalization integration is Pertamina's step in optimizing fuel needs supply.

"We hope that this digitalization system can be implemented in all TBBMs and also integrated with petrol stations' digitalization, to ensure fuel and LPG availability and smooth supply is safe or fulfilled for the community," said Basuki.

During his visit, Basuki urged the community not to purchase and refill subsidized fuel oil using jerry cans without a recommendation letter from the relevant SKPD.

"Pertamina will continue to monitor and disseminate information to petrol stations to sell fuel following the provisions, especially subsidized fuel so that it is on target," he added.

Pertamina urges the community to use quality fuel according to its designation.

People who need information about Pertamina's services and products can contact Pertamina Contact Center (PCC) 135.**

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