
Ensure Stock Security, Pertamina Increases LPG Stock to 394,000 Cylinders in Central Java & DIY

Semarang, March 23, 2024 - Following the subsiding of extreme weather that has been affecting the northern region of Central Java since March 11 and the successful docking of LPG supply transport ships at the Semarang and Rembang ports, Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Central Java continues to increase the 3 Kg LPG stock for the Central Java and DIY regions, focusing on areas affected by extreme weather yesterday by adding optional up to 394,000 3 Kg LPG cylinders for the March 2024 period.

Brasto Galih Nugroho, Area Manager of Communication, Relations, and CSR at Pertamina Patra Niaga Central Jawa Region, stated that the increase in 3 Kg LPG supply is continuously being optimized. "As an illustration, on Thursday (21/3), daily distribution reached 1,614,150 cylinders, 8.1% above the normal daily distribution average in Central Java and DIY," Brasto explained.

The extreme weather since mid-March in Central Java and DIY has resulted in high waves in the Java Sea, causing some Pertamina ships that arrived on time at the ports to be unable to dock for several days.

"The high wave conditions at that time prevented us from connecting the pipes that should have been installed to transfer gas stocks from the ships to the LPG Terminal due to safety reasons," explained Brasto.

Brasto added that after the LPG Transport Ship successfully docked on March 16, the gradual distribution recovery has been carried out by extending operational hours for distribution and increasing stock levels at agents and depots based on consumption projections and monitoring consumption over the past few weeks.

"Some areas in Central Java experienced distribution obstacles last week due to flooded roads, so we prioritized increasing that stock. And for other cities/districts with no increase, it is because the stock was considered sufficient based on daily realizations with no significant consumption increase," Brasto clarified.

Brasto also explained that the indicator of sufficient 3 Kg LPG stock is based on the stock availability at Pertamina's Official LPG Distributors, namely agents and depots in the respective cities.

According to the letter from the Director General of Oil and Gas No. T-190/MG.05/DJM/2023 dated January 8, 2023, regarding the Obligation of Providing and Distributing 3 Kg LPG Cylinders, depots are required to distribute a minimum of 80 percent of subsidized LPG directly to end consumers starting March 1, 2023.

Previously, the allocation for end consumers was a minimum of 70 percent. This change in composition ensures that 3 Kg LPG distribution is mostly sold at 3 Kg LPG depots for end consumers.

In essence, 3 Kg LPG is intended for households, micro-enterprises, targeted farmers, and targeted fishers. Upper-middle-class households and businesses above the micro level are encouraged to utilize the non-subsidized LPG.

If consumers have any questions regarding Pertamina's products and services, they can contact Pertamina Call Center 135 through the following channels:

  • Voice Call: 135
  • Video Call: MyPertamina Application
  • NADIA Chatbot: MyPertamina Application & WhatsApp (08111350135)
  • Email: pcc135@pertamina.com
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  • Facebook: Pertamina Call Center 135 (https://www.facebook.com/pertaminacallcenter135/)

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