
Ensuring Smooth Fuel & LPG Distribution, Pertamina's Director of Logistics & Infrastructure Observes the 2021 RAFI Task Force

Jakarta, May 7, 2021 - PT Pertamina (Persero) ensures a sufficient supply and smooth distribution of Fuel (BBM) and Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) in Indonesia during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1442 H.

Pertamina's Director of Logistics and Infrastructure, Mulyono, the Head of the RAFI Task Force, conducted a marathon review in Java. It is to ensure that Fuel and LPG facilities (Sarfas) in all operational areas are ready to serve the community's needs after establishing the Pertamina Ramadhan & Idul Fitri Special Task Force (Satgas RAFI) in 2021, which is active from April 26 to May 31, 2021.

The review was initiated in the West Java operating area at the Balongan Main Transit Terminal in Indramayu (5/5) to ensure that the fuel and LPG storage and delivery facilities are running optimally. During his visit to West Java, Mulyono also took the time to provide donations to orphans.

On the same day (5/5), Mulyono moved to the Central Java operational area to check the readiness of gas stations. He also greeted customers and handed over parcels to tank truck crews, operators, and officers at the KM 379 A Trans Java Toll Rest Area.

Next, Mulyono reviewed the 2021 RAFI Task Force (6/5) at Pertamina Regional Central Java in the city of Semarang. He also held a video conference with all top leaders of processing units and marketing units throughout Indonesia during this momentum.

"The Hari Raya moment without going home does not reduce Pertamina's commitment and enthusiasm to provide energy needs. Pertamina RAFI Task Force must be ready to work 1x24 hours every day to provide energy for Indonesian people during Eid al-Fitr 1442 H from home," said Mulyono during a video conference (6/5). 

After coordinating, Mulyono, accompanied by the East Java Bali Nusa Tenggara Regional management, surveyed the Juanda Aircraft Filling Depot (DPPU) in Surabaya. Even though it has decreased, Mulyono still ensures that the Avtur storage and delivery facility is ready to serve national aviation transportation.

"The direct management visit to the field is a commitment for the availability of energy and a tangible form of Pertamina Management's support for workers. Therefore, the RAFI Task Force can run optimally in maintaining the supply of fuel and LPG during Eid al-Fitr," concluded Mulyono.**

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